Diane Von Furstenberg's Spring/Summer 2013 - The Queen of Prints

A great collection for Spring/Summer 2013 from Diane von Furstenberg dominated by beautiful prints and drapes! Combined prints, draped skirts and tunics over pants, gorgeous and elegant jumpsuits, all with a bohemian vibe! Even though the bohemian feel it's very powerful, you can see that it has a certain elegance, specific to DVF. All the draping reminds me of the Ancient Rome and the skirts and dresses over pants of the Indian sari. Vibrant colours such as coral, yellow, blue, light green, purple, combined with more toned down colours, such as terracotta, black, white, navy. Light fabrics for the draped pieces and more structured ones for the tailored clothes. An amazing collection in which you can see extremely well Diane von Furstenberg's style.

O minunata colectie pentru primavara/vara 2013 din partea Dianei von Furstenberg dominata de imprimeuri superbe si drapaje. Imprimeuri combinate, fuste drapate si tunici peste pantaloni, jumpsuit'uri superbe, toate create pentru un spirit boem. Chiar daca sentimentul boem este atat de puternic, se poate observa ca are o eleganta anume, specifica lui DVF. Toate drapajele imi amintesc de Roma antica, iar fustele si rochiile peste pantaloni de sariul indian. Culori puternice precum corai, galben, albastru, verde deschis, mov, combinate cu culori ceva mai temperate cum este caramiziul, negrul, bleumarin si alb. Materiale fine pentru piesele drapate si ceva mai structurate pentru hainele cu croiala fixa. O colectie superba, in care se poate observa extrem de bine stilul lui Diane von Furstenberg!

Monique Lhuillier's Spring/Summer 2013 - Sea Colours

I'm back with pictures from Monique Lhuillier's show dominated by sea water colours! Great colorful pieces, mostly in the blue colour, prints that resembled fish skin, they looked wonderful on the runway! Tones of glitter, dark blue and gold, and very light fabrics, such as lace and chiffon! The collection had mostly dresses, medium and long ones, and some looks with long waisted pants! A very feminine collection, with beautiful vibrant colours! Enjoy!

M'am intors cu imagini din prezentarea lui Monique Lhuillier, dominata de culorile apei de mare! Piese colorate, in mare in albastru, paiete in albastru inchis stralucitor si auriu, imprimeuri ce aduc a solzi de peste si materiale fine, precum matasea si chiffonul, cam asa se prezinta colectia acestui designer. Compusa in mare parte din rochii si fuste, medii sau lungi, intalnim si pantaloni pana cu talie inalta sau pantaloni scurti! O colectie foarte feminina, cu culori superbe. Sper sa va placa!

Jason Wu's Spring/Summer 2013 - A Dream

As I've said earlier, I'm coming back with a post about Jason Wu's collection, by far my favourite! It has something that for me makes it special! It has lace, leather, light fabrics such as chiffon, the ending of the dresses and skirts is really cute (I myself have a skirt with that kind of ending), corsets combined with the upper part of a shirt, elegant prints, what more can you want. The colours are mainly black and white, a bit of beige, navy and coral. A beautiful collection!

Asa cum am spus mai devreme, ma intorc cu un post despres colectia lui Jason Wu, preferata mea de pana acum. Are ceva ce o face speciala pentru mine. Are dantela, piele, materiale fine precum chiffonul, iar rochiile si fustele sunt tare dragute, se termina cu dantela brodata (am si eu o fusta exact in genul asta), corsetele sunt combinate cu partea superioara a camasilor (arata tare interesant), imprimeuri elegante, ce poti sa ceri mai mult. Culorile in mare sunt dominate de negru si alb, insa intalnim si bej, bleumarin si corai. O colectie superba!

Live From the Runway

Yes, it's New York Fashion Week and guess what you can see it live on Youtube (here's the link Live From the Runway). So the designers are presenting their ready-to-wear collection for the spring-summer 2013, and I might say that they look very good. Less pastel colours, more vivid ones, black and grey, darker tones, for the fabrics lace and prints are still on the wave, even though you can see less floral prints and more splash ones, chiffon, silk, organza, tones of glitter and sparkles, it will be a great spring/summer! And the best thing is that we can see live a big part of the shows. The schedule is also on the channel and a countdown till the next show. 
Here I've selected some of the pieces that I liked from Charlotte Ronson, Alexander Wang (who had kind of a weird collection if you ask me) and Jill Stewart. My favourite collection so far are those of Jason Wu and Monique Lhuillier, I'll write about them really soon.

Da, este saptamana modei in New York si ce credeti, o puteti vedea in direct pe Youtube (uitati aici linkul Live From the Runway). Designerii isi prezinta colectiile de pret-a-porter pentru sezonul primavara-vara 2013, si nu pot sa spun decat ca arata promitator. Mai putine pasteluri (slava domnului, eu personal le detest, nu le consider culori), culori mai vii, negru si gri, tonuri ceva mai inchise, iar in ceea ce priveste materialele, dantela si imprimeurile sunt in continuare pe val, chiar daca nu mai sunt atat de multe imprimeuri florale, ci cele in care culoarea pare aruncata ca intr-un tablou, chiffon, matase, organza, o multime de paiete si materiale sclipicioase, o sa fie o primavara/vara cu adevarat geniala! Si de departe cel mai bun lucru este ca putem vedea in direct o mare parte din prezentari. Programul se gaseste afisat pe canal si exista chiar si o numaratoare inversa pana la urmatorul show.
Am selectat aici cateva piese care mi'au placut, din prezentarile lui Charlotte Ronson, Alexander Wang (care daca e sa ma intrebati, a avut o colectie tare ciudata) si Jill Stewart. Colectiile mele preferate pana acum au fost de departe cele al lui Jason Wu si Monique Lhuillier, despre care am sa scriu cat de curand.

                                                            Charlotte Ronson

                                                         Alexander Wang

While It's Still Sunny

The summer ended, as well as my vacation (well literally speaking - I'm still free, but have to write an essay, read some books, you know stuff like that for my master admission - such a blast). But I'm not sad, at least it's warm and sunny outside and I can still sleep till noon! So another quick post with the outfit that I had at my graduation this summer!

Uite asa s'a dus si vara, cu tot cu vacanta mea (teoretic sunt inca in vacanta, practic nu prea - trebuie sa scriu un eseu, sa citesc niste carti, chestii de genul asta, stiti voi la ce ma refer, pt. admiterea la master - e tare "distractiv"). Da nu este asa un capat de tara, sa privim partea buna a lucrurilor, afara e inca soare si cald si macar pot sa dorm pana pe la pranz! Asa ca un post rapid cu tinuta pe care am purtat'o la festivitatea de absolvire din vara asta!

After A Long Day

I've taken these pictures at the end of my graduation day, which was one of the longest days ever. So after I spent the entire day in heels (I usualy wear heels, so I'm used to it, but this was one of those days when you can't sit down at all), more exactly 10 hours, maybe more, don't really remember, the most casual outfit that I could find was this dress and those flat sandals. Yeah, that day I was meeting with a good friend, the gorgeous flowers are from her (ty again Ioana), and I changed into the most comfortable pice I could find in my closet. The sandals that I have on (you can't see them very well) were bought 4years ago when I was in Paris, from Zara. They were the last pair there (they were waiting for me for sure), and they are by far the most comfortable piece of footwear that I have :D

Am facut pozele din postul de azi la sfarsitul zilei in care am avut festivitatea de absolvire, una dintre cele mai lungi si obositoare zile ever. Asa ca dupa ce am stat toata ziua pe niste tocuri imense (de regula port numai tocuri, asa ca sunt obisnuita, dar in ziua respectiva n'am apucat sa stau jos mai deloc, afara era o caldura infernala, am mai alergat sa ma inscriu si la licenta and so on), mai exact in jur de 10 ore, e posibil sa fi fost mai mult, nu'mi aduc aminte foarte bine, cea mai comoda tinuta la care am putut sa ma gandesc a fost alcatuita din rochia si sandalele astea. Da, in ziua respectiva, dupa toata alergatura si nervii pe care mi i'am facut (evident ca intr'o asemenea zi nu pot lipsi nervii :))), trebuia sa ma vad cu o buna prietena, buchetul acela superb de flori este de la ea (merci, Ioana :D), asa ca m'am schimbat in ceva mai comfortabil (tinuta de la absolvire o sa o pun in alt post). Sandalele pe care le port (desi nu le puteti vedea prea bine, am sa vorbesc putin despre ele) le'am cumparat acum 4 ani de la Zara din Paris, ultima pereche de acolo (parca aveau numele meu scris pe ele :D, deci pe mine ma asteptau clar) si sunt cele mai comfortabile incaltari pe care le detin, si de departe cele mai durabile (la cat le'am purtat si prin cate au trecut, ma surprinde si acum ca n'au patit nimic). Sper sa ma mai tina inca 4 ani de acum inainte, pt. ca sunt geniale :D.

Asymmetrical Lace Dress

Hello there!

Today I'm going to post an outfit from like 2months ago, with the dress that I wore at my graduation prom. It's not something very fancy, I don't really like the typical dress that all the girls wear for this type of occasions, I like more comfortable clothes, especialy for long nights :D Before founding this dress I was quite stresses out, cause I didn't had the time to go to look for something and I wasn't in the mood either, also I wanted something cheap (cuz I hate buying expensive clothes, wear them once and after that keeping them in the closet and never wear them again), so good luck with that. But, one day while I was looking for a day dress for this summer, I've entered a bit at H&M just to see what they had new there, and in a corner I saw this dress, well actualy I saw lace, and when I see lace I can't see anything else :D The colour wasn't exactly on my taste, but I couldn't find it in another colour so I thought I should try it, no harm from that no. So I did that, and well it looked good, was cheap (only 28$ / 22euros, can u believe it!!!), was made out of lace, so I bought it, after all I had some time to buy something else if by any chance I would have changed my mind.
That's the story behind this dress, the other stuff that I wore I already had it in my closet, except the necklace that I bought it a week before the prom.
So nothing very fancy, pretty comfortable, I hope you like it!

Azi am sa postez o tinuta de acum 2 luni, mai exact rochia pe care am purtat'o la balul de absolvire (urasc atat de mult cuvantul "bal", suna foarte chicios in mintea mea). Nu e ceva pretentios sau extra elegant, personal nu ma omor dupa rochiile standard care se poarta pe la genul asta de evenimente, multe sunt asa de chicioase, zici ca esti la nunta (nu sunt mare fan al nuntilor), prefer rochiile ceva mai comode, mai ales daca trebuie sa stai o noapte intreaga in ea :D Inainte sa gasesc rochia asta, am fost tare stresata, pentru ca nu aveam nici timp nici chef sa alerg dupa rochii, si vroiam si ceva ieftin (asta pentru ca urasc sa cumpar haine scumpe, sa le port o singura data si dupa sa le tin in sifonier si sa se puna praful pe ele). Clar aveam niste cerinte imense! Dar intr'o zi, in timp ce cautam o alta rochie, asta pentru o zi calduroasa de vara, mi s'a pus pata ca vreau rochie lunga, si daca ti se pune pata...cu totii stim cum e :D Si cum tot eram prin mall, am zis sa trec si pe la H&M sa vad ce mai au nou, si intr'un colt am vazut rochia asta, de fapt am vazut multa dantela, si cand vad dantela, nu mai vad nimic altceva :D Culoarea nu era tocmai din gama mea de culori, dar n'am gasit'o in alta culoare, asa ca am probat'o asa cum era. Spre surprinderea mea chiar pica bine pe mine si cum era ieftina (doar 99lei daca va vine sa credeti) si mai ales era din dantela, am cumparat'o, eventual daca nu vroiam sa o port la bal, aveam timp sa cumpar altceva.
Asta e povestea din spatele rochiei, celelalte chestii pe care le'am purtat se gaseau deja in sifonier, mai putin pandantivul pe care l'am cumparat cu o saptamana inainte de petrecere.
Asa ca nimic extravagant, destul de comfortabil, sper sa va placa!

Lace dress - H&M, Sandals - New Look, Belt - Zara, Necklace - No name, Ring - Accessorize, Watch - Oasis, Clutch - New Look

Until my next post!


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