Showing posts with label stil personal. Show all posts

Frilly Dress

From A Few Weeks Ago

Tear Drops And Leaves

Aloha Print

I've wanted so much to show you guys this dress in a better decor than I've had at the Digital Divas event and I've finally managed to take some pictures.
Unfortunately my bangs are super long right now and you can barely see my eyes, I going to cut them in about a week or so. So if you'll ever think of getting some bangs, first think how fast is your hair growing (mine grows with the speed of light!!!), because if it's growing fast you'll have to go to the hair stylist at least once a month and that's pretty bothersome if you're as lazy as myself. I never get to the salon in time, I always let my bangs get super long and when I can't see anymore I know it's time for a cut! But don't take my bad example of laziness, it's so wrong :))
I hope you'll like the photos!

Inca de la evenimentul Digital Divas am vrut sa va arat rochia asta intr-un decor si o lumina mai buna si uite ca am reusit sa fac cateva poze (ma rog mai multe ca sunt maniaca, dar voua va arat doar 5).
Din nefericire bretonul meu este super lung acum si abia mi se vad ochii, lucru care ma enerveaza un pic ca nu prea imi place cum se vede in poze. Dar peste o saptamana ma duc sa-l tund :D Pana atunci in urmatoarele postari ma veti vedea fara ochi :)) Deci daca va trece prin cap sa faceti o schimbare de look, adica breton, ganditi-va bine inainte, pentru ca da ceva batai de cap. Tineti cont de  cat de repede va creste parul (al meu creste cu viteza luminii!!!), pentru ca in functie de asta va cam trebui sa ajungeti la tuns cam o data pe luna, lucru destul de iritant daca sunteti mai lenese asa ca mine :)) Eu spre exemplu rareori ajung la salon o data pe luna. Intotdeauna imi las bretonul sa creasca pana nu mai reusesc sa vad de el si atunci stiu ca este cazul sa il tund. Dar nu luati exemplul meu, e unul prost :))
Sper sa va placa pozele de azi!

Mango - Dress
Mango - Belt
Stradivarius - Sandals
Parfois - Pearl Bracelets
Oasis - Watch
SIX - Ring

Until my next post!


All Black

I don't know why, but I have such a big tendency to wear all black outfits during the summer. Even though people dress in white or bright colours, I'm in an all black ensemble. But I love it :D In this look I went for some colour only in the accessories, the earrings and the pendant (which is actually a brooch that can be worn as a pendant too). The pendant/brooch is a vintage piece that I found at V for Vintage fair and I fell in love with it in a second. Don't know about you guys but it reminded me of the brooch from the Aladdin Disney film (the first one). When Abu also fell in love with a brooch found in the Cave of Wonders and after Aladdin gave it to Jasmine, the monkey tried to steal it. The resemblance between the two brooches is pretty big so my eyes sparkled like Abu's when I saw it at the fair :D
I hope you like my outfit :D

Nu stiu de ce dar am asa o tendinta de a ma imbraca numai in negru vara! Desi toata lumea e in alb (nu-l recomand daca mergeti cu transportul in comun in Bucuresti :)))) si in culori deschise si vesele, eu sunt toata in negru! Dar imi place, efectiv iubesc sa port negru vara :D In tinuta asta singurele stropuri mai colorate sunt accesoriile, cerceii si pandantivul (sau mai bine zis brosa, da este o brosa pe care am cumparat-o in special pentru ca am vazut ca o pot purta si ca pandantiv). Respectiva brosa/pandantiv este o piesa vintage pe care am gasit-o la targul V for Vintage si m-am indragostit pe loc de ea, stralucea si era colorata si mare, dar mai ales stralucea!! Nu stiu daca voua va aminteste de ceva, dar mie imi aduce foarte tare cu brosa din Lampa lui Aladdin gasita in pestera aceea plina cu aur. Abu, maimuta, ca si mine s-a indragostit pe loc de brosa, iar dupa ce Aladdin i-a oferit-o cadou lui Jasmine, Abu a incercat sa o fure :)) Mi-a ramas intiparita scena respectiva, mai ales ochii mari ai lui Abu cand se uita la brosa, cam asa si eu :)) 
Sper sa va placa tinuta, si stati pe aproape ca in postul urmator am sa va arat ce am cumparat nou in ultimele luni :D

New Yorker - Top
Zara - Trousers
New Look - Sandals
Parfois - Bag
H&M - Belt & Earrings
Vintage Brooch
Accessorize - Cameo Ring
Random Brand - Peacock Ring

Until my next post!



You all know how much I love flower prints :D Today I have for you a beautiful outfit with a gorgeous flower printed blouse which I wore for the first time in this photo shoot (I have it in my closet for over a year)! I hope you'll like it!

Has the sales season started in your countries yet? 
Here it just begun (weirdly early in my opinion) and it's a total chaos in the stores! Unfortunately for me I'm hunting for some trousers and this whole situation is not exactly on my taste! But I'm hopping to find what I'm looking for, eventually. So keep your fingers crossed for me :D

Banuiesc ca stiti deja cat de mult iubesc imprimeurile florale, nu? Astazi am o frumoasa tinuta compusa in jurul acestei minunate bluze pe care am cumparat-o acum un an si n-am reusit sa o port decat in ziua in care am avut aceasta sedinta foto! Sper sa va placa :D

Nu vi se pare putin ciudat ca au inceput reducerile deja? Pe mine una ma cam irita treaba asta! Sunt in cautare de o pereche de pantaloni subtiri, perfecti pentru vara si nu gasesc nimic! Toate hainele sunt ingramadite, piese din colectii vechi, niciun S sau XS, sa nu mai vorbesc de marimile distorsionate de la Zara (ce se intampla cu ei nu inteleg). Am fost sa-mi caut niste pantaloni (vazusem pe site niste chestii foarte tari), evident ca nu am gasit mai nimic. Trebuie sa recunosc ca totusi am gasit o pereche de pantaloni, galben mustar, XS, eu in culmea fericirii, fericire care nu a durat mult. Cand i-am probat erau imensi, atat de largi in talie, incat erau potriviti mai degraba pentru un L decat XS (si va spun eu ca nu sunt genul de om extra slab, au stricat ei masurile si evident ca nu poti gasi nimic calumea). Am plecat tare dezamagita :( Voua vi s-a intamplat asta la Zara pana acum (ma refer la masuratori, ca sa te duci sa cauti ceva si sa nu gasesti sunt sigura ca ati patit-o)?

H&M - Blouse
New Look - Skirt
New Look - Sandals
Random Brand - Bracelet
SIX - Rings

Until my next post!


Electric Blue And Harem Pants

Have I ever told you how much I love blue? I guess not! It's one of my favourite colours, and I'm not talking here about light blue, pastels are not really my thing, but about the powerful blue, electric blue or how others call it regal blue! So this post is dedicated to the blue colour!
As you can see another blouse with a crocheted lace in its upper part (you know my obsession with lace) which is pretty old, I think it has like 4years and I wore it for like 6times! In the past I had a tendency of buying clothes even though they weren't my style then and stock them in my closet (I still have a brand new Zara dress with the tag on):))  In the past colour wasn't really my thing, I was more of a black/grey kind of girl! But people change :D
Do you guys like this shade of blue?

I hope you like this post and if you wanna see more of me then check out and like my Facebook page.

V'am spus vreodata cat de mult imi place albastrul? Nu cred, dar acum stiti :D Este una dintre culorile mele preferate, si nu ma refer aici la albastru deschis, pastelurile nu sunt deloc pe gustul meu, ci la albastrul acela puternic, albastrul electric sau, asa cum il mai numesc unii, albastru regal! Asadar, acest post este dedicat acestei culori!
Asa cum puteti vedea inca o bluza cu partea superioara facuta din dantela crosetata (stiti deja cat de obsedata sunt de dantela, ador orice forma a ei oricat de mica ar fi) care este destul de veche, are undeva in jur de 4 ani si am purtat'o de vreo 6 ori in tot acest timp! In trecut aveam prostul obicei de a cumpara tot felul de haine, care, desi imi placeau, nu le'as fi purtat in perioada respectiva, deoarece nu se potriveau deloc silului meu de atunci. Asa ca le stocam in sifonier, bine ca nu le'am aruncat :)) Spre exemplu si acum am in sifonier o rochie nou nouta de la Zara, are pana si eticheta, cumparata acum vreo 5 ani!!! Vedeti voi, in trecut nu prea ma imbracam colorat, eram mai degraba genul de persoana care se imbraca in negru si gri in mare! Dar, hey, oamenii se mai schimba :D
Ce spuneti, voua va place nuanta asta de albastru?

Sper sa va placa acest post, iar daca vreti sa vedeti cam ce mai fac, ce mai spun, atunci va invit pe pagina mea/blogului de Facebook.

It Took Me A While...

It took me almost a week to put this outfit post together! Between exams, projects, university ( exams started while classes were still on), personal problems and others I've postponed this post! But now its on! Do you love my top? I was in search of a top with crochet lace in the upper part for a while and when I found this one I was in love :D 
I hope you will enjoy these pictures and stay tuned for other interesting posts! And if you want to hear more from me you can find me on my blogs Facebook Page where I'm more active :D

N'am crezut ca o sa reusesc saptamana asta sa postez ceva nou! Am avut programul full, examene, proiecte, cursuri pe la facultate (s'au gandit ca e bine sa amestece cursurile cu examenele, sa ne creeze senzatii tari :))), o tona de probleme personale si tot asa! Am tot amanat sa sortez pozele pe care le'am facut pentru azi destul de mult (nu de alta erau vreo 200+, sunt maniaca atunci cand vine vorba de poze si fac cat mai multe pentru ca stiu ca in proportie de 80% nu'mi plac), dar am reusit in sfarsit, printre picaturi sa termin :D
Nu'i asa ca va place bluza mea? Am tot alergat dupa un top ca asta ceva vreme! Vroiam eu unul sa fie cu dantela in partea de sus, dar dantela de calitate, sa semene cu bluzele din perioada edwardiana (cele care aveau acele decupaje de dantela in partea de sus), si nu gaseam de fel. Pana cand am dat de bluza asta intr'un colt la H&M, la ei trebuie sa ai rabdare sa cauti, ceea ce eu nu prea am :))
Sper sa va placa tinuta mea si stati pe aproape ca mai urmeaza si altele! Si daca vreti sa fiti mai aproape de mine ma gasiti mai activa pe pagina de Facebook a blogului. :D

Bohemian Dress


Since yesterday the weather in Bucharest has changed a little bit, it's colder! I feel that I can finally breathe fresh air! Also for me, who still dreams at jackets, blazers and shoe boots for spring, it's awesome. Unfortunately, cold weather in Bucharest means terrible wind and rain, well more accurately storm!!!
For today's outfit post, I've decided to go on with a bohemian style. The dress that I'm wearing is almost 5years old and I wore it like 3 times, I think this my be the 3rd time :))) I love it (I bought it one size bigger than I have too, last size in the store, that much I adore this dress) and I don't know why I haven't wore it more! As you can see it has a romantic vibe in it and it resembles very much with the dresses worn during 1820s, the Regency or Empire dresses. For me those kind of dresses are so comfortable and easy to wear, and they look good on every woman! If you search on the internet for Regency dresses you'll find lots of beautiful models and you'll see the resemblance with my dress (the only differences, mine is shorter and it's in dark colours :D).
So...I hope you'll like this post and my dress!

De ieri s;a produs o schimbare drastica in Bucuresti, nu mai te sufoci de cald!!!! E ceva mai rece afara si poti respira aer cat de cat curat! Iar pentru mine, care m'am tot plans de caldura si ca nu pot purta jachete, sacouri si ghete e minunata vremea asta (numai ca e si o parte negativa, sunt in sesiune si stau acasa sa fac proiecte!!!). Cu toate astea, ca de obicei, in Bucuresti bate vantul ingrozitor si ploua furtunos (la propriu)!
Pentru tinuta de azi, am decis sa merg pe un stil boem-romantic. Rochia pe care o port a stat in sifonier in jur de 5 ani, perioada in care am purtat'o de vreo 3 ori, a 3a oara fiind ziua in care am facut si pozele pentru blog :)) Imi place la nebunie rochia (atat de mult mi'a placut incat am cumparat'o cu o marime mai mare, ultima de altfel care ramasese in magazin) si zau ca nu inteleg de ce nu o port mai des! Asa cum puteti observa are o tenta mai romantica si seamana tare mult cu rochiile din perioada regentei (rochiile empire). Genul acela de rochii erau croite in asa fel incat erau foarte comfortabile si usor de purtat, iar pe deasupra aratau bine pe orice femeie! Daca le cautati pe internet veti gasi multe modele si veti vedea si asemanarea dintre rochia mea si acestea (singurele diferente fiind lungimea si culoarea :D)
Sper sa va placa acest post!!!

Shades Of Grey And A Drop Of Yellow

A new outfit post in shades of grey and a small drop of yellow! The photos were taken during a colder day of spring and I was able to wear a blazer, because lately in Bucharest you can barely stay in a top, that hot the weather is. There are also a series of "behind the scenes" for this post, which you guys will see in my next post, so stay tuned!
By the way I've changed my blog design a little bit, it's more light now, I hope you'll like it!

O noua tinuta in nuante de gri de aceasta data si cu un strop de galben! Pozele au fost facute intr'o zi racoroasa de primavara cand inca mai puteai purta un sacou subtire, pentru ca in ultima vreme in Bucuresti abia poti sta cu un top pe tine, atat de cald este! Mai am si o serie de poze "din spatele scenei" ca sa zic asa, pe care le veti vedea in urmatorul post, asa ca stati pe aproape!
Am facut si cateva mici schimbari la designul blogului, este un pic mai aerisit acum si sper ca va place!

Green Fields And Basic Pieces

How was your 1st of May? Did you have fun? I didn't do anything interesting, I've cleaned all my house, cause you know, Easter is coming in a few days and I have tones of things to cook, so the house needs to be cleaned :D
Well yesterday you saw a glimpse of my new outfit, a basic leather jacket that I got from Stradivarius, pretty cheap I must say (around 30 Euros), and a pair of jeggings also from Stradivarius, and also pretty cheap (around 25 Euros). So this outfit is made mostly of basics, a basic t-shirt and a basic leather jacket combined with a pair of skinny pants with a bold print and a necklace to give them a bit of elegance. And of course a pair of high heel boots :D So this is a way to style basic pieces and make them look chic and trendy. I hope you like them.
Also some pretty pictures taken by yours truly in my own garden :D  

Cum a fost ziua de 1 Mai? V'ati distrat? Cel mai probabil da :)) Eu, pe de alta parte, n'am facut nimic interesant, ci m'am apucat de curatenie generala care a durat ceva, inclusiv azi, pentru ca vin Pastele in cateva zile si mai am o groaza de facut (mancare, prajituri, vopsit oua, chestii d'astea) si trebuie sa fie curatenie in casa :D
Ieri v'am aratat o portiune din tinuta din postul de azi, o geaca de piele basic de la Stradivarius, care a fost destul de ieftina (undeva la 120lei), si o pereche de jeggings, tot de la Stradivarius, si la fel destul de ieftini (99lei). Asadar, tinuta de azi este compusa in mare din piese basic, o bluza si o geaca de piele basic combinate cu o pereche de pantaloni skinny cu un imprimeu interesant si un colier pentru un strop de eleganta. Si bineinteles o pereche de ghete cu toc foarte inalt :D Aceasta este o modalitate de a purta piese basic si de a arata chic si trendy. Sper sa va placa.
Pe langa asta am atasat si cateva poze facute de mine, inainte sa vina valul asta de caldura, cand copacii inca mai erau infloriti :D

Romantic Vibe In Black And White

I think this blouse is by far one of my best investments this year (I have 2 more, beside this one :D). From the first moment I saw it I was in love! 
These pictures were taken in a windy day, but my hair stayed in place (you know like in those commercials from TV)! Also these are my last pictures where my hair is longer, I've cut it about a week ago, you'll see pictures soon enough (don't imagine that I have short hair now, not at all :D).
So less talk, more pictures! Enjoy!

Jur ca bluza asta este de departe una din cele mai bune investitii facute de mine in ultima vreme (mai am vreo 2 la fel de tari pe care trebuie sa vi le arat :D). Din prima clipa in care am vazut'o, m'am indragostit de ea (ce sa mai, dragostea la prima vedere exista!!!!). 
Pozele astea le'am facut intr'o zi cu un vant ingrozitor, dar coafura a rezistat (va amintiti reclamele alea de la TV nu?, cam asa cu parul meu)! De asemenea, astea sunt ultimele fotografii in care am parul lung, ca sa zic asa, pentru ca l'am tuns acum o saptamana, veti vedea poze (nu va imaginati ca e scurt acum sau cine stie ce).
Asa ca, mai putina vorba, mai multe poze!

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