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London Fashion Week - Spring/Summer 2013 Selections - Part 2

Today I'm back with the 2nd part of the London Fashion Week selections. You'll see some great pictures from Vivienne Westwood Red Label's show (a very interesting collection, you'll know why when you see the pictures, from the clothes to the make-up the models look like fashionable grannies :D), from Temperly London, Willow, Antonio Berardi, Todd Lynn and Christopher Kane. For me the most appealing collections were from Vivienne Westwood, Temperly London and Willow, the rest kinda look the same and don't have that special feel, maybe because are very comercial, after all we are speaking about ready to wear. 

Astazi ma intorc cu cea de-a 2a parte a selectiilor din ceea ce a insemnat London Fashion Week. Veti vedea poze geniale din prezentarea lui Vivienne Westwood Red Label (o colectie tare interesanta, o sa puteti observa asta si voi cand veti vedea imaginile, incepand de la haine si pana la machiaj, modelele arata ca niste bunicute moderne :D), precum si din prezentarile lui Temperly London, Antonio Berardi, Todd Lynn si Christopher Kane. Pentru mine cele mai bune si interesante colectii, din aceasta selectie, au fost cele ale lui Vivienne Westwood, Temperly London si Willow, celelalte mi s'au parut un pic banale, le lipsea acel ceva, poate si pentru ca sunt foarte comerciale, totusi este vorba despre pret-a-porter.

Photos taken from Vogue Italia.

                                           Vivienne Westwood Red Label

London Fashion Week - Spring/Summer 2013 Selections - Part 1

Hello there!

I've been out of the scene for the past week and haven't updated my blog with anything! But I'm back with selections from the collections presented at London Fashion Week. I can't say I've been impressed with what the designers showed for this season, I've liked better New York Fashion Week, but I have a couple of pieces that I like from London as well. My favorite collections are by far from Issa London, Giles, Vivienne Westwood  Red Label, Temperly London and Fashion Fringe. Today I'll show you some pieces from Issa London's collection (a very colourful collection I might say filled with asian details), from Gilles, Fashion Fringe, Osman, Matthew Williamson and Emilio de la Morena. I hope you'll like my selections.

Am disparut din "lumina reflectoarelor" in ultima saptamana si nu am mai updatat blogul. Dar m'am intors, si nu cu mana goala, ci cu material pentru posturi noi. Astazi veti vedea o parte din cele mai bune colectii de la London Fashion Week (in opinia mea evident) si maine restul. Nu pot sa spun ca am fost impresionata de piesele pe care le'au aratat designerii londonezi pentru sezonul primavara-vara 2013, personal mi'a placut mai mult New York Fashion Week, dar sunt cateva piese care mi'au atras atentia si la saptamana modei din Londra. Colectiile mele preferate, de departe, apartin lui Issa London, Giles, Vivienne Westwood Red Label, Temperly London si Fashion Fringe. Azi veti vedea piese din colectia Issei London (o colectie plina de culoare si incarcata cu elemente de inspiratie asiatica), Gilles, Fashion Fringe, Osman, Matthew Williamson si Emilio de la Morena. Sper sa va placa selectiile mele.

                                                                  Issa London

New York Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2013 - Selections - Part 2

I'm back with the 2nd part of the NYFW Selections! In this post you'll be seeing collections from Oscar de la Renta, Reem Acra, Marchesa, Vera Wang and Zac Posen! These designers I think they have the most gorgeous gowns from all the collections from NYFW, you'll love them. 

M'am intors cu ce'a de'a 2a parte a postului NYFW Selections! Veti vedea, de aceasta data, piese din colectiile lui Oscar de la Renta, Reem Acra, Marchesa, Vera Wang si Zac Posen! Cred ca de departe, dintre toate show'urile de la NYFW, acesti designeri au cele mai frumoase rochii! Au sa va placa in mod deosebit!


New York Fashion Week Spring Summer 2013 - Selections Part 1

So I've gathered some of the best collection that I've seen at NYFW and divided them into 2 parts, because there are so many beautiful garments to show you guys! Unfortunately I have some time management issues and I can't make reviews for them! In this post you'll be seeing selections from Anna Sui, Badgley and Mischka, Catherine Malandrino, Donna Karan and Nanette Lepore. You'll see that their styles are very different from Victorian-grunge-punk to very feminine pieces. I hope you'll enjoy them as much as I did while selecting them.

Am adunat cele mai bune colectii pe care le'am vazut la NYFW si le'am impartit in 2 parti, pentru ca sunt atatea piese superbe pe care vreau sa vi le arat! Din pacate in perioada asta nu stau foarte bine la capitolul timp liber si nu pot sa scriu cate ceva despre fiecare in parte! In acest post veti vedea selectii din colectiile lui Anna Sui, Badgley&Mischka, Catherine Malandrino, Donna Karan si Nanette Lepore. Veti observa ca stilurile lor sunt tare diferite pornind de la piese inspirate din stilul Victorian-grunge-punk si terminand cu unele foarte feminine. Sper ca au sa va incante privirea la fel de mult cum mi'au incantat'o mie cand le'am selectat.

                                                                  Anna Sui

Carolina Herrera's Spring/Summer 2013 - One Word - Refinement


The moment you see this collection, you know it's Carolina Herrera! Elegant silhouettes and shirts with very masculine collars, you know it's her. I love this collection and the show for me was the best from New York Fashion Week, the movement of the models and the clothes went so well with the music, a modern adaptation of the piece "Sisters of the Moon" of Fleetwood Mac from 1979. The light colours, white and icy blue went amazing with this song, the orange lace and black tulle as well. Very few powerful colours (orange, black and a silver gray) and many subtle ones, made this collection full of refinement and femininity. The long skirts and dresses, the skirts over the ankle, the brocade print and the small belts, compliment the finesse of this collection, which reminds me of the women's fashion from 1910. 
If Diane von Furstenberg's collection was a bohemian one, this is extremely elegant! Two different designers, two different collection, but one single fact: for me they showed themselves in their collections the best out of all the designers there!

In momentul in care vezi aceasta colectie, stii ca este vorba de Carolina Herrera! Siluete elegante si camasi cu gulere masculine, stii ca este ea. Ador aceasta colectie, iar show'ul pentru mine a fost cel mai bun dintre toate ce au fost prezentate la New York Fashion Week, miscarea modelelor si a hainelor au fost intr'o armonie totala cu muzica, o adaptare moderna a piesei "Sisters of the Moon" de la Fleetwood Mac din anul 1979. Culorile deschise, alb si albastru inghetat s'au potrivit perfect cu aceasta melodie, dantela portocalie si tulleul negru de asemenea. Foarte putine culori puternice (portocaliu, negru si gri metalizat) si multe culori subtile au facut din aceasta colectie una plina de rafinament si feminitate. Fustele si rochiile lungi, fustele deasupra gleznei, imprimeul din brocard si curelele subtiri, au complimentat finetea acestei colectii, care imi aminteste de moda anilor 1910.
Daca colectia lui Diane von Furstenberg a fost una boema, aceasta este una extrem de eleganta! Doi designeri diferiti, doua colectii diferite, insa un lucru il au in comun: pentru mine sunt designeri care si'au expus cel mai bine stilul si pe ei insisi in colectiile lor fata de toti ceilalti designeri prezenti la saptamana modei din New York.

Diane Von Furstenberg's Spring/Summer 2013 - The Queen of Prints

A great collection for Spring/Summer 2013 from Diane von Furstenberg dominated by beautiful prints and drapes! Combined prints, draped skirts and tunics over pants, gorgeous and elegant jumpsuits, all with a bohemian vibe! Even though the bohemian feel it's very powerful, you can see that it has a certain elegance, specific to DVF. All the draping reminds me of the Ancient Rome and the skirts and dresses over pants of the Indian sari. Vibrant colours such as coral, yellow, blue, light green, purple, combined with more toned down colours, such as terracotta, black, white, navy. Light fabrics for the draped pieces and more structured ones for the tailored clothes. An amazing collection in which you can see extremely well Diane von Furstenberg's style.

O minunata colectie pentru primavara/vara 2013 din partea Dianei von Furstenberg dominata de imprimeuri superbe si drapaje. Imprimeuri combinate, fuste drapate si tunici peste pantaloni, jumpsuit'uri superbe, toate create pentru un spirit boem. Chiar daca sentimentul boem este atat de puternic, se poate observa ca are o eleganta anume, specifica lui DVF. Toate drapajele imi amintesc de Roma antica, iar fustele si rochiile peste pantaloni de sariul indian. Culori puternice precum corai, galben, albastru, verde deschis, mov, combinate cu culori ceva mai temperate cum este caramiziul, negrul, bleumarin si alb. Materiale fine pentru piesele drapate si ceva mai structurate pentru hainele cu croiala fixa. O colectie superba, in care se poate observa extrem de bine stilul lui Diane von Furstenberg!

Monique Lhuillier's Spring/Summer 2013 - Sea Colours

I'm back with pictures from Monique Lhuillier's show dominated by sea water colours! Great colorful pieces, mostly in the blue colour, prints that resembled fish skin, they looked wonderful on the runway! Tones of glitter, dark blue and gold, and very light fabrics, such as lace and chiffon! The collection had mostly dresses, medium and long ones, and some looks with long waisted pants! A very feminine collection, with beautiful vibrant colours! Enjoy!

M'am intors cu imagini din prezentarea lui Monique Lhuillier, dominata de culorile apei de mare! Piese colorate, in mare in albastru, paiete in albastru inchis stralucitor si auriu, imprimeuri ce aduc a solzi de peste si materiale fine, precum matasea si chiffonul, cam asa se prezinta colectia acestui designer. Compusa in mare parte din rochii si fuste, medii sau lungi, intalnim si pantaloni pana cu talie inalta sau pantaloni scurti! O colectie foarte feminina, cu culori superbe. Sper sa va placa!

Jason Wu's Spring/Summer 2013 - A Dream

As I've said earlier, I'm coming back with a post about Jason Wu's collection, by far my favourite! It has something that for me makes it special! It has lace, leather, light fabrics such as chiffon, the ending of the dresses and skirts is really cute (I myself have a skirt with that kind of ending), corsets combined with the upper part of a shirt, elegant prints, what more can you want. The colours are mainly black and white, a bit of beige, navy and coral. A beautiful collection!

Asa cum am spus mai devreme, ma intorc cu un post despres colectia lui Jason Wu, preferata mea de pana acum. Are ceva ce o face speciala pentru mine. Are dantela, piele, materiale fine precum chiffonul, iar rochiile si fustele sunt tare dragute, se termina cu dantela brodata (am si eu o fusta exact in genul asta), corsetele sunt combinate cu partea superioara a camasilor (arata tare interesant), imprimeuri elegante, ce poti sa ceri mai mult. Culorile in mare sunt dominate de negru si alb, insa intalnim si bej, bleumarin si corai. O colectie superba!

Live From the Runway

Yes, it's New York Fashion Week and guess what you can see it live on Youtube (here's the link Live From the Runway). So the designers are presenting their ready-to-wear collection for the spring-summer 2013, and I might say that they look very good. Less pastel colours, more vivid ones, black and grey, darker tones, for the fabrics lace and prints are still on the wave, even though you can see less floral prints and more splash ones, chiffon, silk, organza, tones of glitter and sparkles, it will be a great spring/summer! And the best thing is that we can see live a big part of the shows. The schedule is also on the channel and a countdown till the next show. 
Here I've selected some of the pieces that I liked from Charlotte Ronson, Alexander Wang (who had kind of a weird collection if you ask me) and Jill Stewart. My favourite collection so far are those of Jason Wu and Monique Lhuillier, I'll write about them really soon.

Da, este saptamana modei in New York si ce credeti, o puteti vedea in direct pe Youtube (uitati aici linkul Live From the Runway). Designerii isi prezinta colectiile de pret-a-porter pentru sezonul primavara-vara 2013, si nu pot sa spun decat ca arata promitator. Mai putine pasteluri (slava domnului, eu personal le detest, nu le consider culori), culori mai vii, negru si gri, tonuri ceva mai inchise, iar in ceea ce priveste materialele, dantela si imprimeurile sunt in continuare pe val, chiar daca nu mai sunt atat de multe imprimeuri florale, ci cele in care culoarea pare aruncata ca intr-un tablou, chiffon, matase, organza, o multime de paiete si materiale sclipicioase, o sa fie o primavara/vara cu adevarat geniala! Si de departe cel mai bun lucru este ca putem vedea in direct o mare parte din prezentari. Programul se gaseste afisat pe canal si exista chiar si o numaratoare inversa pana la urmatorul show.
Am selectat aici cateva piese care mi'au placut, din prezentarile lui Charlotte Ronson, Alexander Wang (care daca e sa ma intrebati, a avut o colectie tare ciudata) si Jill Stewart. Colectiile mele preferate pana acum au fost de departe cele al lui Jason Wu si Monique Lhuillier, despre care am sa scriu cat de curand.

                                                            Charlotte Ronson

                                                         Alexander Wang

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