Showing posts with label lace. Show all posts

Flowers and Lace

Hey guys and Happy New Year to everyone!

A long time no see would be good right now, but I'll skip it this time :D The exams are starting soon for me and I have tones of essays to write and my little blog will have to suffer a bit because of that :( But today I have a quick post with my outfit from V for Vintage fair, I hope you'll like it. I also was featured here when I wore this outfit => Atelier Perwoll (I'm sorry the article is in romanian so...)

Salutare si un An Nou Fericit tuturor!

Iar a trecut ceva vreme de la ultimul post, dar n'am sa intru in amanunte de data aceasta :D Examenele se apropie rapid si am o tona de referate de facut (ca in mare la master cam in asta constau examenele), iar blogul va avea de suferit din nou :( Insa azi un post rapid cu tinuta de la targul V for Vintage, care sper eu sa va placa. Am facut si subiectul unui mic articol cand am purtat aceasta tinuta, il gasiti aici => Atelier Perwoll.

Carolina Herrera's Spring/Summer 2013 - One Word - Refinement


The moment you see this collection, you know it's Carolina Herrera! Elegant silhouettes and shirts with very masculine collars, you know it's her. I love this collection and the show for me was the best from New York Fashion Week, the movement of the models and the clothes went so well with the music, a modern adaptation of the piece "Sisters of the Moon" of Fleetwood Mac from 1979. The light colours, white and icy blue went amazing with this song, the orange lace and black tulle as well. Very few powerful colours (orange, black and a silver gray) and many subtle ones, made this collection full of refinement and femininity. The long skirts and dresses, the skirts over the ankle, the brocade print and the small belts, compliment the finesse of this collection, which reminds me of the women's fashion from 1910. 
If Diane von Furstenberg's collection was a bohemian one, this is extremely elegant! Two different designers, two different collection, but one single fact: for me they showed themselves in their collections the best out of all the designers there!

In momentul in care vezi aceasta colectie, stii ca este vorba de Carolina Herrera! Siluete elegante si camasi cu gulere masculine, stii ca este ea. Ador aceasta colectie, iar show'ul pentru mine a fost cel mai bun dintre toate ce au fost prezentate la New York Fashion Week, miscarea modelelor si a hainelor au fost intr'o armonie totala cu muzica, o adaptare moderna a piesei "Sisters of the Moon" de la Fleetwood Mac din anul 1979. Culorile deschise, alb si albastru inghetat s'au potrivit perfect cu aceasta melodie, dantela portocalie si tulleul negru de asemenea. Foarte putine culori puternice (portocaliu, negru si gri metalizat) si multe culori subtile au facut din aceasta colectie una plina de rafinament si feminitate. Fustele si rochiile lungi, fustele deasupra gleznei, imprimeul din brocard si curelele subtiri, au complimentat finetea acestei colectii, care imi aminteste de moda anilor 1910.
Daca colectia lui Diane von Furstenberg a fost una boema, aceasta este una extrem de eleganta! Doi designeri diferiti, doua colectii diferite, insa un lucru il au in comun: pentru mine sunt designeri care si'au expus cel mai bine stilul si pe ei insisi in colectiile lor fata de toti ceilalti designeri prezenti la saptamana modei din New York.

Jason Wu's Spring/Summer 2013 - A Dream

As I've said earlier, I'm coming back with a post about Jason Wu's collection, by far my favourite! It has something that for me makes it special! It has lace, leather, light fabrics such as chiffon, the ending of the dresses and skirts is really cute (I myself have a skirt with that kind of ending), corsets combined with the upper part of a shirt, elegant prints, what more can you want. The colours are mainly black and white, a bit of beige, navy and coral. A beautiful collection!

Asa cum am spus mai devreme, ma intorc cu un post despres colectia lui Jason Wu, preferata mea de pana acum. Are ceva ce o face speciala pentru mine. Are dantela, piele, materiale fine precum chiffonul, iar rochiile si fustele sunt tare dragute, se termina cu dantela brodata (am si eu o fusta exact in genul asta), corsetele sunt combinate cu partea superioara a camasilor (arata tare interesant), imprimeuri elegante, ce poti sa ceri mai mult. Culorile in mare sunt dominate de negru si alb, insa intalnim si bej, bleumarin si corai. O colectie superba!

Lets Start the Year with J.P Gaultier - Haute Couture

Hello there!

For my first post of this year, I thought I should return to the very begining of my blog, to the reviews on different collection, as I haven't had a post like this since ages.
This time is a haute couture collection - Jean Paul Gaultier for fall-winter 2011/2012. From all the haute couture collections this one is the far my favourite, even though for ready to wear was Karl Lagerfelds collection.
So I'll start with the colours. Like all the collections this year, black was the main colour and the other well only to complement this dark tone. You'll see in this collection grey, olive, red, navy blue and a touch of beige, purple, white, brown and silver & gold.
As for the fabrics we can see leather, fur and feathers in almost every garment, silk, lace, satin, chiffon, tulle, velvet, sequins and organza.
The clothes are extravagant as the designer used so much fur and feathers in them. We can see many luxurious coats, fur coats, some combined with feathers for a more dramatic & glamorous look, leather coats all combined with fur collars. There are also capes in this collection. The blazers and jackets are very tailored and worn with pencil skirts. The woman dresses most of them made out of chiffon, sequins, tulle and satin are accessorised with fur coats and feathers, give me (but well maybe it's just me) a south american/western vibe from the late 1800 and a bit of a parisian vibe from the same period. The trenches are transformed into chiffon dresses.
But what I really liked in this collection well is the mixing between women clothes and menswear. So the men suits are made of satin, which is a fabric for women clothes, and are associated with capes and fur coats, that have that aristocratic look from the 1600 era in England and Italy. All the men's clothes have a powerful feminine vibe in them starting with the fabrics and ending with the actual design, see the glitter blouses and the lace pants!
As for me my favourite looks you can see in the first 4 images the suit and the colourful dress!

Pt. primul meu post din acest an, m'am gandit ca ar fi cazul sa ma reintorc la inceputurile blogului meu, mai exact la reviewurile asupra colectiilor de moda, avand in vedere ca n'am mai avut un post de genul de secole.
De data aceasta este o colectie haute couture - Jean Paul Gaultier colectia de toamna-iarna 2011/2012. Dintre toate colectiile de haute couture este de departe preferata mea, chiar daca pt. pret-a-porter a fost cea a lui Karl Lagerfeld pt. Chanel.
Am sa incep cu culorile. Ca in majoritatea colectiilor din acest an, negrul a fost culoarea principala si celelalte nu au facut decat sa scoata in evidenta tonurile intunecate ale acesteia. Veti vedea in aceasta colectie gri, masliniu, rosu, bleumarin si un strop de bej, mov, alb, maro si auriu si argintiu.
In ceea ce priveste materialele avem pielea, blana si pene in aproape fiecare piesa vestimentara, matase, dantela, satin, chiffon, tulle, catifea, paiete si organza.
Cum designerul a folosit foarte mult blana si penele, hainele sunt extravagante. Putem vedea multe haine luxurioase, haine de blana, unele combinate cu pene pentru mai mult dramatism si glam, haine de piele combinate cu gulere de blana. De asemenea, intalnim si cape in aceasta colectie. Sacourile si jachetele cu croiala fixa, bine cambrate pe corp, purtate cu fuste creion. Rochiile, majoritatea dintre ele din chiffon, paiete, tulle sau satin sunt accesorizate cu haine de blana si pene, si imi dau senzatia (ei bine poate sunt doar eu) de haine western de pe la sfarsitul lui 1800 si asa o usoara tenta pariziana din aceeasi perioada. Paltoanele, de aceasta data, au fost transformate in rochii din chiffon.
Insa ceea ce mi'a placut cel mai mult la aceasta colectie a fost mix'ul dintre moda feminina si cea masculina. Asadar, costumele barbatesti sunt facute din satin, care este un material pt. haine de femei, si sunt combinate cu cape sau haine de blana, care aduc putin cu tinutele aristocratice din Anglia si Italia anilor 1600. Toate hainele barbatesti emana foarte multa feminitate incepand cu materialele si sfarsind cu designul in sine, vedeti bluzele sclipicioase si pantalonii din dantela!
In ceea ce ma priveste pe mine, tinutele mele preferate le puteti vedea in primele 4 imagini, costumul si rochia foarte colorata!

And now the pictures! (taken from
Si acum imaginile!

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