Showing posts with label elegance. Show all posts

Carolina Herrera's Spring/Summer 2013 - One Word - Refinement


The moment you see this collection, you know it's Carolina Herrera! Elegant silhouettes and shirts with very masculine collars, you know it's her. I love this collection and the show for me was the best from New York Fashion Week, the movement of the models and the clothes went so well with the music, a modern adaptation of the piece "Sisters of the Moon" of Fleetwood Mac from 1979. The light colours, white and icy blue went amazing with this song, the orange lace and black tulle as well. Very few powerful colours (orange, black and a silver gray) and many subtle ones, made this collection full of refinement and femininity. The long skirts and dresses, the skirts over the ankle, the brocade print and the small belts, compliment the finesse of this collection, which reminds me of the women's fashion from 1910. 
If Diane von Furstenberg's collection was a bohemian one, this is extremely elegant! Two different designers, two different collection, but one single fact: for me they showed themselves in their collections the best out of all the designers there!

In momentul in care vezi aceasta colectie, stii ca este vorba de Carolina Herrera! Siluete elegante si camasi cu gulere masculine, stii ca este ea. Ador aceasta colectie, iar show'ul pentru mine a fost cel mai bun dintre toate ce au fost prezentate la New York Fashion Week, miscarea modelelor si a hainelor au fost intr'o armonie totala cu muzica, o adaptare moderna a piesei "Sisters of the Moon" de la Fleetwood Mac din anul 1979. Culorile deschise, alb si albastru inghetat s'au potrivit perfect cu aceasta melodie, dantela portocalie si tulleul negru de asemenea. Foarte putine culori puternice (portocaliu, negru si gri metalizat) si multe culori subtile au facut din aceasta colectie una plina de rafinament si feminitate. Fustele si rochiile lungi, fustele deasupra gleznei, imprimeul din brocard si curelele subtiri, au complimentat finetea acestei colectii, care imi aminteste de moda anilor 1910.
Daca colectia lui Diane von Furstenberg a fost una boema, aceasta este una extrem de eleganta! Doi designeri diferiti, doua colectii diferite, insa un lucru il au in comun: pentru mine sunt designeri care si'au expus cel mai bine stilul si pe ei insisi in colectiile lor fata de toti ceilalti designeri prezenti la saptamana modei din New York.

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