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All Black

I don't know why, but I have such a big tendency to wear all black outfits during the summer. Even though people dress in white or bright colours, I'm in an all black ensemble. But I love it :D In this look I went for some colour only in the accessories, the earrings and the pendant (which is actually a brooch that can be worn as a pendant too). The pendant/brooch is a vintage piece that I found at V for Vintage fair and I fell in love with it in a second. Don't know about you guys but it reminded me of the brooch from the Aladdin Disney film (the first one). When Abu also fell in love with a brooch found in the Cave of Wonders and after Aladdin gave it to Jasmine, the monkey tried to steal it. The resemblance between the two brooches is pretty big so my eyes sparkled like Abu's when I saw it at the fair :D
I hope you like my outfit :D

Nu stiu de ce dar am asa o tendinta de a ma imbraca numai in negru vara! Desi toata lumea e in alb (nu-l recomand daca mergeti cu transportul in comun in Bucuresti :)))) si in culori deschise si vesele, eu sunt toata in negru! Dar imi place, efectiv iubesc sa port negru vara :D In tinuta asta singurele stropuri mai colorate sunt accesoriile, cerceii si pandantivul (sau mai bine zis brosa, da este o brosa pe care am cumparat-o in special pentru ca am vazut ca o pot purta si ca pandantiv). Respectiva brosa/pandantiv este o piesa vintage pe care am gasit-o la targul V for Vintage si m-am indragostit pe loc de ea, stralucea si era colorata si mare, dar mai ales stralucea!! Nu stiu daca voua va aminteste de ceva, dar mie imi aduce foarte tare cu brosa din Lampa lui Aladdin gasita in pestera aceea plina cu aur. Abu, maimuta, ca si mine s-a indragostit pe loc de brosa, iar dupa ce Aladdin i-a oferit-o cadou lui Jasmine, Abu a incercat sa o fure :)) Mi-a ramas intiparita scena respectiva, mai ales ochii mari ai lui Abu cand se uita la brosa, cam asa si eu :)) 
Sper sa va placa tinuta, si stati pe aproape ca in postul urmator am sa va arat ce am cumparat nou in ultimele luni :D

New Yorker - Top
Zara - Trousers
New Look - Sandals
Parfois - Bag
H&M - Belt & Earrings
Vintage Brooch
Accessorize - Cameo Ring
Random Brand - Peacock Ring

Until my next post!


It's Not Spring, It's Summer Alright!!!

I wanted the spring to come so badly and after it finally came I was a bit disappointed due to the fact that I am not able to wear my blazers and other clothes. Don't know about your countries, but in Romania the hot weather came too soon (there are around 27-30 degrees here) so you can't really wear jackets, blazers and other pieces you would normally wear during this time of year.
For example for today's outfit I had a blazer with me, one that I love very much, but I wore it only for 10 minutes to take some pictures, because it was so warm outside that I thought I would die with the blazer on :))
So you guys will have to wait for the fall to come to see me wear jackets and other pieces like that or hope for some cold weather during this month, because, trust me, starting from June I won't be able to wear anything but tops and dresses (and even with those on I'll fell extremely hot)!

Mi'am dorit atat de mult sa se duca iarna si sa vina primavara, insa am fost extrem de dezamagita de vreme cu care a venit. Este mult prea cald pentru perioada asta a anului, cel putin in Bucuresti, si nu pot purta niciun sacou, iar geci de piele nici sa nu'mi treaca prin minte, din nefericire :(
Spre exemplu in tinuta de azi am un sacou pe care il ador, dar desi l'am luat in ziua respectiva pentru a'l purta, nu am putut sa o fac. L'am tinut pe mine vreo 10 minute cat am facut cateva poze, apoi l'am tinut in mana toata ziua. Cred ca daca il purtam muream de cald la propriu :))
Asa ca daca vreti sa ma vedeti purtand sacouri si geci sau alte haine pe care le'as purta in mod normal in perioada asta va trebui sa asteptati pana la toamna sau sa va rugati sa vina cateva zile de vreme rece :D Nici nu vreau sa ma gandesc ca vine luna iunie peste aproximativ 2 saptamani cu niste temperaturi ingrozitoare, sunt sigura de asta!

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