Glitter and prints, this is what Vivienne Westwood brings to the table for her Ready-to-Wear F/W 2011/2012 collection. As she has accustomed us, again we can see bold, bright and colorful creations, different from those of the other designers. A combination of tribal & punk elements, with a strange makeup, that somehow makes me think of some egyptian dark witches or the african shamans, describes the best the style of Vivienne Westwood. After all the black and thoes very tailored collection, we needed something different, and that you know you can find it in Vivienne Westwoods collections.
For the colors we have gold, brown, orange, yellow, black, grey, some white, blue, burgundy and lots of prints, mostly in orange and brown.
Sequins dominate the podium, succeded by jersey, silk, tulle, velvet, wool and cotton.
As for the clothes, Vivienne Westwood suggests casual dresses, capes and voluminous blouses worn with high waisted pencil skirts or suits, sparkling jumpsuits, wool coats, skinny trousers in tones of gold or silver, 3/4 socks and tights with different leg colours, high waisted trousers, some knitwear, jumpsuits and day dresses in tribal prints, long skirts, for the night there are gold dresses and some black elegant ones, some dresses have exagerated proportions and the collection ends with a too safe wedding dress, in my opinion.
All the outfits are being worn with glittery gold or sparkling blue shoes and boots.
The clothes are draped and dominated by prints, some dresses have a very gothic look, for me very "Corps Bride" looking, all in all a nice collection.
The colours are not really me, I don't wear brown or orange (well except a brown bag that I've recently got) or prints, I like the draping, some pants, a skirt and the gold colour. That's it for me, I hope you'll like it.
Sclipici si imprimeuri, asta este ceea ce Vivienne Westwood aduce cu colectia sa pret-a-porter pentru toamna-iarna 2011/2012. Asa cum ne'a obisnuit, putem vedea din nou creatii curajoase, stralucitoare si pline de culoare, diferite de cele ale celorlalti designeri. O combinatie de elemente tribale si punk, cu un machiaj bizar, care ma face sa ma gandesc la niste vrajitoare egiptene sau la samanii africani, descriu cel mai bine stilul lui Vivienne Westwood. Dupa atata negru si colectii cu o croiala foarte rigida, aveam nevoie de ceva diferit, pe care stii ca il gasesti in colectiile lui Vivienne Westwood.
Ca si culori avem auriu, maro, portocaliu, galben, negru, gri, putin alb, albastru, rosu burgund si multe imprimeuri, majoritatea maro sau portocalii.
Paietele domina podiumul, urmate de jersey (tricot subtire), matase, tulle, catifea, lana si bumbac.
In ceea ce priveste hainele, Vivienne Westwood propune rochii lejere, pelerine si bluze voluminoase purtate cu fuste creion cu talie inalta sau cu costume, jumpsuituri stralucitoare, haine de lana, pantaloni skinny in nuante de auriu sau argintiu, sosete de 3/4 si ciorapi subtiri cu diferite culori pt fiecare picior, pantaloni cu talie inalta, ceva tricotaje, jumpsuituri si rochii de zi cu imprimeuri tribale, fuste lungi, pt noapte avem rochii aurii si cateva negre, mai elegante, unele rochii au proportii exagerate, iar colectia se termina cu o rochie de mireasa putin cam banala, in opinia mea.
Toate tinutele sunt purtate cu pantofi sau cizme in culori precum sclipici auriu sau albastru stralucitor.
Hainele sunt dominate de printuri, unele rochii au un aspect foarte gotic, pentru mine aduce a "Corps Bride", insa in final este o colectie interesanta.
Culorile nu sunt tocmai pt mine, nu port maro sau portocaliu (bine, exceptand ultima geanta pe care am cumparat'o, care este maro) sau imprimeuri, imi place cum sunt croite hainele, mai mi'au placut niste pantaloni, o fusta si auriul. Cam atat pt mine, sper sa va placa.
And now some pictures! (taken from
Si acum cateva imagini!