Urban Jungle

A quick outfit post for today and a very suggestive title. 
When you speak about urban jungle you may think of a little place in your town that resemble a jungle, you may think of a print or as most of us, you can literally think about the agitation in the stressful big towns where you have to be strong and know how to survive. Well, my post today is a mix between all of this things. I've recently found a place that sounds and looks like a small part of a jungle, my trousers have an exotic print and, well, I live in a big city, Bucharest, where is not that easy to mix well with the crowds and where people judge you all the time. So yeah, I live in an urban jungle :D 

O scurta postare azi cu un titlu foarte sugestiv: "Jungla Urbana".
Sunt sigura ca unele dintre voi se gandesc la locatii din orasele voastre care seamana cu o jungla, poate altele va ganditi la haine cu imprimeu ce sugereaza ideea de jungla amazoniana si locuri exotice sau, cel mai probabil, majoritatea va ganditi efectiv la agitatia si stresul specific marilor orase, unde trebuie sa fii destul de puternic pentru a supravietui, de acolo si sintagma de jungla urbana. Ei bine, postarea mea de azi e un amestec dintre aceste 3 lucruri. Am descoperit recent un loc care seamana cu un colt de jungla, pantalonii mei au un imprimeu exotic care te duce cu gandul tot la jungla, si pe deasupra, mai traiesc si in Bucuresti, care, ca sa fiu sincera, nu este cel mai primitor si mai accesibil oras din tara :)) E cam greu sa gasesti oameni de treaba, apoi exista aceasta tendinta excesiva de a judeca pentru orice, si nu e foarte usor sa faci fata acestor lucruri. Cei care vin din alte orase sa se stabileasca aici stiu cel mai bine la ce ma refer. Asa ca, locuiesc intr-o jungla urbana :D


Top/Top - Zara
Trousers/Pantaloni - Zara
Sandals/Sandale - Zara
Bag/Geanta - Sammydress

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  1. I get you since is the same even here. You picked the perfect location Adina, you should always take the photos there!:) Looking so stylish, the pants rock and u styled them very well! Happy weekend! xo

  2. So lovely, my dear! I just love the pants and bag! And the red lipstick looks fantastic on you!
    Where is the location?

  3. Love the combo Adina... I both love prints and red/burgundy so this is like a fullnperfection for me! The location is awsome and it looks amazing with the outfit! Kisses hun

  4. such fab pants , i loved them
    keep in touch

  5. love love this look! I saw those pants the other day and was so temped to get them and now I wish I had! You look amazing in them! Also, your "urban jungle" backdrop looks so beautiful! I wish I had something like that closeby! xx

    <(') Hoda | JooJoo Azad

  6. Locul în care ai făcut pozele e super, iar ținuta te prinde bine! :) Am remarcat acea dungă neagră de la pantaloni, parcă s-ar „conecta” cu topul și mai apoi cu sandalele, hihi. Îmi place ideea asta ^_^

  7. Love your pants :)

  8. Great pants. I love the print and the tuxedo stripe


  9. Ce frumos e locul unde ai facut pozele! Chiar sunt curioasa unde e :D
    Imi place tinuta, arata bine, geanta e cea mai tare! <3

  10. Anonymous9/13/2014

    Love these gorgeous pants. You look stunning and this purse completes the outfit beautifully!

  11. Hai in Cluj, oamenii is faini! :)
    Imi place tinuta dar tin sa spun ca geanta mi-a luat ochii. E superba <3

  12. Lovely outfit. I especially love the pants. Nice detail.


  13. superba combinatia! pantalonii sunt super!

  14. imi place!

  15. Sunt deosebiti pantalonii, imi plac tare mult!


Thank you for your wonderful words!

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