It's Not Over Yet

The first day of fall doesn't necessarily mean the end of summer. I'm sure that the warm days will stay with us a little bit more and we will be able to continue using our summer clothes and accessories. And because of that I'm not sad that the summer has ended. The only thing that makes me a bit melancholic is the fact that my leisure days will be over soon, as you all know that with the fall start the schools, jobs and other activities that we all have. Besides that, I like the weather now, it's warm, but not too hot, to be exactly it's perfect!
As for today's outfit, I've prepared something really chic, a really beautiful midi skirt that I've bought last year from Asos. It has an unsual colour combination of light green and purple and this was the main reason I bought it. I've paired it up with a white top, because I wanted to let the skirt shine and matching jewels and my favorite sandals. The pictures were taken a while ago when I had a day out with Simona and Ruxandra (pictures with the at the end of the post)!
So a chic and comfortable outfit for today! Enjoy!

Prima zi de toamna nu inseamna neaparat si sfarsitul verii. Cel putin mai este pana la solstitiul de toamna. Si in plus, sunt sigura ca zilele calde vor mai fi prezente ceva vremea, asa ca ne vom bucura in continuare de garderoba de vara. Si din cauza asta, eu zic ca vara nu s-a terminat! Si totusi, acest inceput de septembrie imi da o usoara stare melancolica. Daca va intrebati de ce, ei bine, pentru ca inceputul de toamna este echivalentul inceputului tuturor activitatilor mai putin placute, scoala, munca si alte activitati pe care fiecare dintre noi le are de facut. Mai exact sfarsitul vacantei. Cam asta ar fi singurul lucru negativ din punctul meu de vedere. In rest, ador vremea de acum, este calda, dar nu la extrem, mai exact este perfecta!
Cat despre tinuta de azi, am pregatit ceva foarte chic, mai exact o superba fusta midi pe care am cumparat-o anul trecut de pe Asos. Are o combinatie de culori usor atipica, verde deschis cu mov, dar tocmai asta mi-a atras atentia atunci cand am vazut-o pe site. Am decis sa o combin cu un top alb, ca doar fusta trebuie sa fie vedeta, accesorii in tonuri de verde si sandalele mele preferate. Pozele au fost facute acum ceva vreme, cand am iesit cu Simona si Ruxandra la un suc (poze cu ele ceva mai jos) :D
 Asadar, o tinuta chic si comfortabila pentru azi, care sper eu sa va placa!

Me & Simona | Eu si Simona

Me & Ruxandra | Eu si Ruxandra


Skirt/Fusta - Asos
Top/Top - New Look
Sandals/Sandale - Stradivarius
Ring/Inel - SIX
Watch/Ceas - Asos

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  1. Looking smashing Adina, great patterns mix and colors!

  2. Amazing outfit ! I love your skirt :)


  3. so true, first day of fall does not mean end of summer , its still hot in my city too
    u look great in that super elegant maxi skirt
    Keep in touch

  4. Perfect outfit! You look stunning :)

  5. So beautiful dear Adina! That skirt is just amazing and so feminine! Love it so very much! :)

  6. Such a gorgeous look. You look phenomenal as always - beautiful skirt!

  7. Ce misto e fuuuustaaa!! <3

  8. You look amazing,love your skirt!


  9. Superba fusta iar tu arati minunat! Kisses

  10. Faptul ca fusta are buzunare o face de 10 ori mai chic...

  11. lovely! un outfit perfect!

  12. Ce dragalase sunteti toate! Eu ador buzunarele, imi place inelul purtat in tonul fustei. Adorabila fusta Monei!

  13. frumoasa foc fusta, doar pare un pic prea lunga. si eu imi caut de ceva vreme una, dar parca sunt toate facute pentru fete de 1,7 :(
    m-ai facut curioasa de ceas, ca nu se vede in poze :)

    1. Multumesc! Se poate scurta, orice fusta o poti scurta daca vrei, dar eu caut la ele lungimea asta expres! Pt. mine este lungimea ideala la fustele midi :)
      Ceasul il poti cauta in alte postari, am doar 2 ceasuri pe care le alternez :) :*

  14. imi place tare mult fustita! pupp

  15. Ador fustita ta, e atat de frumoasa!!
    Pupici, Andra


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