Salt and Pepper at Digital Divas 2014 Event

Eu/Me, Simona & Ruxandra

Today I'm going to tell you some spicy things about the event that I went too this week, about Digital Divas 2014.
The event was like salt and pepper in food, less salt and way too much pepper! And as we all know that salt is indispensable in food, it's easily known that food with too much pepper is not tasty at all!! So, the event was a little bit too spicy for my taste.
Leaving aside this analogy, which you'll understand better if you keep on reading, I have to say that I was somewhat disappointed with this event. I think that last year's edition was a bit better (you can read about it HERE).

So...lets start with the beginning, to be exactly with the day before the event which took place on Tuesday. So I'll start with Monday.
Monday was a really busy and stressful day for me as I was having an exam at 6PM and I was trying to put together my project for it and its presentation. So the time left to prepare for the next days event was reduced. To be exactly, I was able to start preparing my outfit and to paint my nails on my hands and feet only after 9PM. And that was what I did and finished around 3AM when I went to bed.

Tuesday! Woke up at 9AM, after less than 6 hours of sleep, to be sure that after doing my make up, getting dressed, eating and so on I'll be getting on time at the event, that being 2PM. I wasn't really sure how much it will take me to get to the place where Digital Divas was being held, because it was my first time going there, so when the clock was 12.45AM I went into panic mode :)) The place, Ghika Palace, was on the opposite side of the town and I couldn't find a taxi to get me there! So I took the bus, the metro and then a taxi!! And I was so inspired to get a taxi, because after 5 minutes it started to rain! Awful! I was so afraid that I will have to walk through the rain with my brand new suede sandals from the gate to the entrance door! Fortunately they were letting cars into the courtyard till the entrance, so I didn't walk through the rain.
During this whole time I was speaking to Ruxandra from Gold and Silver Sparkles who I was supposed to meet at the event and who was extremely nice to keep me a free place next to her! So thank you so much, Ruxandra! You probably wonder why am I thanking her! Well because when I got there and saw how crowded it was and that there were no free spots, I was in absolute shock! If it weren't for here, I would had stayed up on 12cm heels! 

And now the interesting part, which will make you understand what's up with the weird analogy from the beginning!
The conference was supposed to be about blogging and tips on how to improve your blog and social media. But I'll start presenting you the location. When I got there and saw that the conference was being held in a tent I was in awe! Why would you organize it in a tent, especially when you are well aware of the bad weather that we've had in Bucharest the last couple of weeks!!! And the next weird thing was the place where we were supposed to have out lunch! It was on the opposite side of the tent and you had to walk about 7-8 meters under the clear (not so clear) sky to get to it! And outside was pouring! And beside that it was so annoying to listen to the speakers while you were listening how the rain was dropping on the tent and the powerful thunders outside! So even if you wanted to pay attention to the speaker you couldn't! At least they didn't say anything interesting about blogging. All the have said was about their brands and products and about Avon which was the official sponsor of the event. So nothing interesting during the first session!
It was time for lunch and outside was raining and we had to go out through the rain to a tiny little place where there were no tables, actually there were 5-6 tiny tables, to eat. So yes, I went through the rain to get something to eat. But, let me tell you, the food was not spectacular. Not enough food for all the persons present at the event! Also not very tasty either! And I had to eat standing with my plate on one hand while eating, or trying to, with the other. Not very fashionable :))

After that the second session began. And the second speaker was very rude. He started by saying on a very superior and arrogant tone that we are all way to preoccupied with our phones and while he is speaking to put them down. This said while we were invited there to put up pictures on Instagram about the event and to live blog about it!!! Hello, didn't he get the memo about the social media of this event??? And if that wasn't enough, on the same tone, he stated that he has to sit because he has an awful migraine! If you have a headache, a migraine or any kind of pain, just ask for a Nurofen or some other pain medicine!! You don't have to be rude about it! Beside that he didn't say anything interesting and spoke about himself and his blog for the rest of the time he had. After him, the other speaker said something lets say somewhat interesting, that the future in blogging are the video clips! Maybe they will be, I'll let you know in about 10 years :))
During this time, the sun started to show himself!

The third session started with an eccentric lady who mainly presents her Facebook page and how she's trying to build up her personal brand on this eccentric persona. Very weird, mostly because it was one of those persons that demand by all costs attention, and who by trying so hard to be eccentric and over the top, it's just looks fake. I like eccentric, funny and weird persons, that are naturally like this and don't have to do much to be like that, but I don't like those who try so hard do be something that they will never be! 
The second speaker was a blogger from Romania, not a fashion blogger, more like those who write weirdly lame and extremely sweet things about love and life (not really my cup of tea), who at least said a truth! That all the big bloggers (from Romania at least) and he also have a big team backing them up! The rest was not that interesting!
And the last speaker, was a guy whom I don't really know, and who tried some psychotherapeutical games with some girls from the public. I'm not sure if he knew that he went to a blogging conference. But if you want to play psychotherapeutical games you go to group psychotherapy, not here!
All in all, in short, the speakers didn't say anything interesting and they took this chance to auto-promote themselves. In fact, we all want free publicity, no? I have a saying, free publicity is always welcomed :D

And now some words about the awarding gala!
It was such a disappointment for me and my fellow blogger friends! You probably wonder why? Well, mainly because they didn't gave awards to normal bloggers, to fellow mortal beings as I joke about it! All the prizes went to the big bloggers that have teams up on their sleeves and who knew each other extremely well with the jury! Even at the best newcomer categories were awarded the big bloggers. I would have been happy to see that at least there some of my fellow bloggers got the chance and won an award. But no!
I think that after this whole story, you understand better the analogy from the beginning!

But there were some positive aspects too!
I've had the chance to meet some fellow bloggers, Ruxandra and Madalina with whom I've spent the entire day, Simona, Julie, Saci, Dorina & Cristina, Amy, all amazing girls! So at least from the point of socialization it was pretty good (not that the organizers have anything to do with this)! My darlings, was nice to meet you and I'm sorry we weren't able to talk more, but the whole event was so chaotic!
Some other good things were the little vintage inspired table with blue macarons, which I adore, and the goodies bag made out of fabric, so perfect for the supermarket, and filled with a red lipstick (I was planning to buy one, so it came in handy), a mascara and a magazine! Unfortunately the goodies bags weren't enough for everyone, so another black ball for the organizers!!
All in all, it wasn't the best event that I went to, and if the organizers want it to live on and not to die, they should add more salt in the mix and less pepper! This is the only way for this event to be enjoyed by everyone!

Evenimentul Digital Divas 2014 a fost ca sarea si piperul in bucate. Cam putina sare si prea mult piper as spune eu, cu indulgenta. Si cum toate stim ca sarea este esentiala in mancare, putem sustrage de aici ca bucatele cu prea mult piper nu sunt tocmai gustoase!!! Asadar un pic cam picant evenimentul in sine.
Lasand analogiile de-o parte, nu pot sa spun decat ca am fost oarecum dezamagita de editia din acest an. Nici cea de anul trecut nu a fost tocmai grozava, dar macar a fost cat de cat pe subiect (puteti citi mai multe AICI).

Sa incepem cu inceputul.
Mai exact cu o zi inainte, ca asa este frumos :D Evenimentul a avut loc marti, asa ca eu voi incepe povestea cu ziua de luni!
Bun! Ziua de luni a fost extrem de tumultoasa si stresanta pentru mine. In primul rand aveam un examen la ora 18.00 si trebuia sa finalizez proiectul si eventual sa alcatuiesc si o scurta prezentare. Prin urmare, aveam sa ma pregatesc pentru eveniment abia dupa ce ma intorceam acasa, undeva pe la ora 21.00. Zis si facut, termin examenul (totul a decurs excelent daca va intrebati), ajung acasa, mananc ceva, ma apuc sa imi pregatesc tinuta pentru a doua zi, iar apoi sa imi fac manichiura si pedichiura. Am reusit sa ma bag in pat destul de tarziu, undeva pe la ora 3 dimineata. 

Marti! Ma trezesc pe la 9 dimineata dupa nici 6 ore de somn pentru a fi sigura ca ajung la timp, adica pana in ora 14.00. Zis si facut, ma machez, ma aranjez, ma imbrac, mananc ceva (si bine am facut!!) si se face ora 12.45! Panica! Nu stiam cat imi ia ca sa ajung la Palatul Ghika, nu mai fusesem niciodata, si fata de zona in care locuiesc eu, este in cealalta parte a orasului! Nu gaseam niciun taxi, parca intrasera toate in pamant! Pana la urma o iau frumos cu mijloacele de transport in comun, autobuz, metrou pana la Aviatorilor si iau un taxi de acolo. Si bine am facut, ca fix la 5 minute dupa ce am urcat in taxi a inceput sa ploua, lucru care m-a iritat destul de tare, mai ales ca nu stiam daca organizatorii permiteau intrarea in curtea palatului. Stiu ca i-am spus taximetristului ca pe mine nu ma intereseaza cum face, dar ma lasa in fata intrarii :)) Nu va imaginati ca sufar de snobism sau mai stiu eu ce, de regula umblu prin ploaie fara nicio problema si fara umbrela, dar de aceasta data eram incaltata cu sandale din piele intoarsa si era prima oara cand le purtam!!!! Totul a fost in regula se permitea intrarea cu masina pana in fata usii de la intrare! Am rasuflat usurata!
In tot acest timp, ma conversam pe Facebook cu Ruxandra de la Gold and Silver Sparkles cu care trebuia sa ma intalnesc acolo si care a fost extra draguta sa-mi pastreze un loc si mie. Multumesc Ruxandraaaaaa! Va intrebati de ce atatea multumiri, nu? Pey, este destul de simplu eu am ajuns acolo la ora 14.00, sala era plina si daca nu ar fi fost Ruxandra as fi stat foarte frumos in picioare pe tocuri de 12cm!!! Nu stiu de ce au ocupat spatiul si-asa mic cu canapele de 3 persoane tinand cont de numarul mare de participanti!

Si acum ajungem la partea cu adevarat interesanta de care se lega analogia de la inceput.
Primul soc pe care l-am avut a fost legat de spatiu. Extrem de mic si foarte populat!!!! Plus ca se tinea intr-un cort!!! De ce ai organiza un asemenea eveniment intr-un cort??? Si mai ales cand stii ce furtuni au fost in ultima vreme in Bucuresti!!!! Pe langa asta, gustarile se aflau intr-un alt spatiu, un fel de sopron, la care daca vroiai sa ajungi trebuia sa mergi un pic prin gradina palatului, vreo 7-8 metri as spune eu! Eh si cum ploaia incepuse mai devreme, in timpul primei conferinte ploua torential si mai si tuna. Iar cum totul era intr-un cort, imaginati-va cat de zgomotos se auzea! Chiar daca vroiai nu puteai fi atent la ce vorbeau speakerii, care de altfel nu au spus nimic interesant sau care sa aibe legatura cu zona de blogging. In cadrul primei sesiuni s-a vrobit despre Avon, doar trebuia sa isi faca publicitate nu, era sponsor oficial! Asadar, absolut nimic interesant in prima sesiune!

In pauza ar fi trebuit sa ajungem in acel sopron, despre care va vorbeam mai devreme, pentru a lua "pranzul"! Problema era ca ploua!!! Iar organizatorii nu s-au gandit si ei sa aduca niste umbrele si sa le puna intr-un loc in caz ca aveau oamenii nevoie!!! Ma rog, am luat-o prin ploaie, ce puteam face altceva. Ce sa va spun despre mancare, nu a fost senzationala si nici intr-o cantitate suficiente pentru numarul de persoane care participau acolo. Anul trecut a fost mai bine!! Iar spatiul in care puteai savura gustarile era foarte mic, erau doar 5 sau 6 mese si trebuia sa mananci tinandu-ti farfuria in brate, cum de altfel am si facut!

Nici cea de-a doua sesiune nu a fost senzationala! Fiecare isi facea reclama siesi. Cel mai tare m-a iritat atitutdinea lui Maurice Munteanu. Intra el frumos pe scena si primul lucru pe care il face este sa se uite sfidator in jur. Ca ulterior sa spuna pe un ton sictirit si superior ca domne, vad ca tot stati cu telefoanele in brate in timp ce noi vorbim, asa ca as vrea sa le lasati de-o parte cat vorbesc eu! Alo, Digital Divas, social media, nu-ti spune nimic???? Bloggerii erau invitati sa prezinte live informatii despre eveniment! Apoi, dupa aceasta remarca nu tocmai politicoasa, preziceaza ca are o migrena urata si ca el se aseaza jos, pe acelasi ton arogant. Daca te doare capul, ai migrene sau alte dureri, ia un Nurofen, ok! In rest n-a spus nimic interesant, a vorbit despre blogul lui. Vicki Nicola a spus macar un lucru cat de cat pertinent, nu stiu si cat de fiabil, ca ea este de parere ca viitorul in blogging il rezprezinta clipurile video. Asa o fi, nu stiu ce sa zic, va anunt peste vreo 10 ani :))

Intre timp se facuse soare afara!
Dupa o scurta pauza urmeaza si sesiunea cu numarul 3. Vorbeste o doamna, pe nume Alina Gavrila Bortun, care isi prezinta pagina de Facebook si cat de excentrica vrea ea sa fie. Sincer, n-am nicio problema cu oamenii excentrici. Dar sunt unii, carora nu le iese, punct. Valabil si pentru cazul de fata. Inteleg ca brandul personal presupune ceva distinctiv, de altfel as putea vorbi ore intregi despre asta, dar nu si ceva exagerat si tras de par, care se vede de la o posta ca nu te caracterizeaza. Sunt de parere ca sunt oameni comici, simpatici si excentrici prin natura lor si asta spune multe, nu se chinuie sa fie ceva ce nu sunt. 
Urmatorul speaker a fost Radu F. Constantinescu (zau ca nu imi place blogul lui, nu scrie lucruri care pe mine sa ma intereseze), care exceptand faptul ca tinut sa precizeze ca la un moment dat a fost homofob (nu stiu daca este valabil si in prezent, dar nu inteleg de ce trebuie sa ii judeci pe altii in raport cu preferintele lor sexuale!), a spus si un adevar pe care multi n-au vrut sa il graiasca: ca in spatele blogului lui sta o echipa de oameni! Si asa este, toate blogurile-reviste, au in spate o adevarata echipa, nu ca noi muritorii de rand care incercam sa facem singuri totul! 
In rest a mai fost un speaker, Razvan Crisan (prima oara cand am auzit de el), care a incercat niste jocuri specifice sedintelor de psihoterapie! Nu cred ca i-a spus nimeni ca asta este o conferinta de blogging si ca daca vrem sa facem psihoterapie de grup ne ducem la un specialist! 

Ca sa fac un scurt rezumat referitor la speakeri, niciunul nu a dat tipsuri pe zona de blogging, pe zona de interes a publicului din sala, si toti, absolut toti, au profitat de aceasta ocazie pentru a se auto-promova. In fond, cine nu vrea publicitate gratis. Eu am o vorba, publicitatea gratis este intotdeauna binevenita!

Cat despre gala de premiere, dragele mele, pot sa va spun ca atat eu, cat si colegele mele de breasla, am fost usor desgustate. Probabil ca va intrebati de ce. Pentru ca toate bloggurile care au castigat premii, exceptand categoria pentru cauze sociale, sunt cele care au un arsenal de oameni in spate. Nici macar la categoriile de best newcomers nu s-au oferit premii, muritorilor de rand aka bloggerii mici, normali. Premiile s-au oferit numai intre cei care se cunosc, unui cerc inchis, lucru care mie nu mi se pare normal. De ce mai organizezi aceasta gala, atunci? As fi vrut sa vad ca se ofera un premiu macar unui blogger care singur isi intretine blogul, dar din pacate nu a fost asa. Plus ca nu inteleg de ce a castigat Maurice Munteanu din nou premiul pentru cel mai bun blog de moda!! Ce treaba are blogul lui cu moda? Ca eu tot nu pricep!
Probabil ca dupa toata aceasta poveste intelegeti cu sta treaba cu analogia din introducere.

Dar au fost si aspecte pozitive. Au avut o masuta draguta cu macarons bleu, foarte bune de altfel (eu sunt mare fan macarons, as putea trai cu ele), le-am cunoscut pe Ruxandra si Madalina, cu care mi-am si petrecut cea mai mare parte a timpului si am ras o groaza :D Le-am mai cunoscut pe Simona, Julie, Saci, Dorina & Cristina si Amy, niste fete grozave! Asa ca, macar din punctul de vedere al socializarii (unde evident ca nu au o contributie organizatorii) am stat foarte bine. Dragele mele imi pare bine ca v-am cunoscut si mi-ar fi placut sa interactionam mai mult, dar a fost prea mult haos pentru mine :))
Si inca un lucru bun as spune eu, am primit la final si niste goodies bags continand un ruj rosu (si-asa vroiam eu sa imi cumpar unul), o mascara si revista The One, iar sacosa respectiva este facuta din material asa ca e numai buna pentru supermarket :))) Din pacate, am auzit ca nu ar fi avut pentru toata lumea! Inca o blila neagra organizatorilor!!

Pot sa spun in final, ca nu a fost cel mai reusit eveniment la care am participat si ca daca vor ca acest eveniment sa dainuie in timp si sa nu piara, organizatorii ar trebui sa mai lucreze la el, sa adauge mai multa sare si sa reduca din piper :D Doar asa il vom putea savura si noi pe indelete!

Eu/Me, Simona & Ruxandra

Simona, Eu/Me, Madalina & Ruxandra

Madalina, Eu/Me & Ruxandra

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  1. Ai scris foarte bine, exact asa au stat lucrurile din pacate :D
    Mi-a facut mare placere sa te cunosc si sper sa mai avem ocazia sa ne vedem si sa vorbim mai mult :*

  2. Si noua ne-a parut bine sa te cunoastem si sper ca data viitoare sa vorbim mai mult.
    Da, exact aceeasi parere o am si eu despre eveniment, dar probabil stii deja asta ca ai citit articolul :))

  3. So all the looks
    Have a great week and check out our new post

  4. Lasand la o parte evenimentul nereusit, outfit-ul tau e printre cele daca nu, cel mai dragut outfit pe care l-am vazut in pozele de la DD. Fusta este superba, iti vine foarte bine si se potriveste cu sandalele, camasa alba si colierul statement. Si cu look-ul tau, in general.
    Ma bucur ca le-ai cunoscut pe fete, precis sunt tare dragute si in realitate.
    Le-am citit si lor postarile referitoare la DD de aceea am preferat sa ma refer acum doar la tinuta ta :D

  5. Am fost si eu invitata la eveniment,si am fost foarte dezamagita cand a trebuit sa le spun ca nu voi participa :))
    Acum insa chiar ma bucur ca nu m-am complicat absolut deloc :D

  6. Lovely post! amazing skirt!
    I am following you already!
    I would love if you followed me here for more!


  7. My dear Adina,as you know, I was very keen to know how the event went so I was so sorry to read that wasn' t good at all :/ Still, thank you very much for such a sincere post about it and letting us know "how the things work outhere". It is so sad to know that in the end... At least you met the girls and I have to say that you all look very lovely! Great look, I'm so in love with those skirt! ♥ KISS

  8. Haha, nici mie nu mi-a placut femeia care vroia sa para asa de tare si cool , pe cand era cam bartana pt acest stil :)) anyway, imi pare bine ca te-am vazut si maybe next time, cand vin la Bucuresti, o sa vorbim mai mult! Chiar era un chaos tot evenimentul!!! Te pup :)

    ChocolateFashionCoffee Facebook Page
    ChocolateFashionCoffee INSTAGRAM!!!

  9. Lol Adina, you made me so laugh! Im so sorry for the awful event you took part in, what a bad experience! At least, you could smile now if you think about it! They should have organized it much better for sure plus the rain made it even worse. You girls look great and just love your outfit, outstanding!:) Kisses dear! xo

  10. O gosh im in love with ur skirt!!!!!

    Check out my fist post;)

  11. Adina ma bucur nespus de mult ca am apucat sa ne intalnim si sa vorbim si sa vorbim si sa.....vorbim haha =))) Sper sa mai repetam experienta :D Nu cred ca trebuie sa mai mentionez ca iti impartasesc total parerile despre eveniment :*

  12. Iti impartasesc parerea despre conferinta in mare parte. Te-am vazut pe acolo, dar ma simteam dubios sa vin asa sa ma bag in seama haha. Oh si fusta e superba <3.

  13. Your skirt is so fabulous! The polka dots are amazing and I love your styled it. So pretty ladies!

  14. M-am apucat sa citesc toate articolele din blogosfera despre Digital Divas. Well, mie nu imi pare rau ca nu am mai pare ca nu am pierdut prea multe. Singurul dezavantaj e ca nu v-am cunoscut pe voi, care cu siguranta sunteti minunate:).
    P.s. Imi place fusta ta de mor!!!! <3

  15. Si eu am cam acelasi impresii despre evenimentul asta, deloc impresionat! Nu stiu cum de ne ne-am vazut pe acolo, as fi venit la tine sa te salut daca te zaream, fusta ta mi-ar fi atras cu siguranta atentia, este superba, oh well poate data viitoare!
    Pop Culture&Fashion Magic

  16. draga mea ai fost superba <3
    te puuup :*
    miss you

  17. Imi pare rau sa aud asta!Esti superba draga mea !:*

  18. partea buna este ca reusesti sa cunosti din fete!!!


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