The Oldies Are Always The Best

When it comes to music, movies, paintings, sculpture, fashion and everything else you name it, the oldies are always better than the new waves. There are classics that never die unlike the new pieces that come lately to every domain. I know that for sure because mostly I'm stuck in time when it comes to music, books, movies, but here is debatable, and even fashion, because there are pieces of clothing that are pretty much timeless. You could say I'm a traditionalist. And that would be pretty much true. I love my oldies that never die!
So if you haven't guessed by now, today's post is revolving around an old dress of mine, that I had it for more than 8 years and which I love as much as I did when I bought it the first time. I find it feminine and one of the best knitted dresses that I've seen in a long time. And I thought that an all black look will be the best choice for this old dress of mine.

Cand vine vorba de muzica, filme, pictura, sculptura, moda si orice alt domeniu ce tine de frumos in general, piesele vechi, clasice vor fi mereu superioare celor noi, sau cel putin pentru mine. Sunt lucruri clasice care nu vor pieri niciodata spre deosebire de noile valuri care in ultima vreme vin si pleaca fara a-si lasa amprenta imprimata in lume. Pot sa spun asta, pentru ca, in cazul meu cel putin, am ramas cumva blocata in timp cand vine vorba de muzica, carti, filme, desi aici e cu dus intors, si chiar si atunci cand vine vorba de moda, deoarece sunt haine care pur si simplu sunt nemuritoare. Daca ma considerati o traditionalista sa stiti ca nu sunteti departe de adevar. Eu una imi iubesc "vechiturile" nemuritoare :D
Asa ca, daca nu ati ghicit pana acum, postul de azi se concentreaza pe o veche rochie de-a mea, pe care o am de mai bine de 8 ani si pe care o iubesc la fel de mult ca atunci cand am cumparat-o. O gasesc a fi foarte feminina si una dintre cele mai tari rochii tricotate. Iar un outfit all black este alegerea perfecta pentru aceasta rochie.

Mango - Dress
New Look - Blouse
Zara - Shoes
Asos - Watch
H&M - Rings
Sammydress - Necklace (find more HERE)

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  1. Mi-ai amintit de rochia mea tricotată bleumarin pe care o am de vreo 7-8 ani și eu! Gata, o voi purta cât de curând!
    Rochia ta e minunată, îmi place foarte mult și îmi place și cum ai decis să o porți. :)

  2. wow, amazing dress <3

  3. I like yuor hair and yuo are so particular with this look :)

  4. Totul arata atat de binee!!!<3
    Superb colierul<3

  5. I love your hair :D great outfit!

  6. Hi Adina, you are so right. I also got many old stuff which I still use and wear. And ur dress is for sure one of those timeless garments, always perfect and trendy. You look great in total black, the colors pop of the necklace it too cool! Happy weekend, kisses! xo

  7. Old fashion , music , trends are something that excite me too.
    It's a 8 years old dress, cannot believe it.!!
    U look gorgeous in it , I like that it has a bit if glitter..
    Necklace is so pretty

  8. what a gorgeous dress!! love how you paired it with this statement necklace:)

    lots of love xx

  9. You look spotless and gorgeous! Very classic and chic
    Kristina xx

  10. Superba tinuta ta, su-per-ba!!! Fara cusur!
    Arati minunat, Adina!
    M-au incantat fotografiile!

    Te pup!
    Lavender Thoughts

  11. Fotografiile de primăvară sunt cele mai frumoase, au capacitate să potenţeze ţinutele într-un mod unic.
    Îmi place ţinuta, te avantajează foarte mult.

  12. perfect black ! You look gorgeous in this lace dress Dear <3

  13. Sweet :)

    Fashion As I Love It by Dana Oprea

  14. Superba rochie si cu siguranta trece testul timpului. Iti vine perfect si ai accesorizat-o foarte bine! Ador colierul!



  15. Nice dress!

  16. Lovely dress!

  17. foarte tare rochita si intr`adevar cand te vad asa ma duce cu gandul intr`o alta perioada :D si mie`mi plac lucrurile clasice, simple si de efect fix cum e si rochita ta :* sa o porti mai des :D
    te puuup :* :*

  18. Imi place tinuta,iar colierul este superb si da un plus de culoare tinutei!


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