How was your week by far? Mine was pretty busy and lots of weird and funny things happened. The day I've taken these photos I was pretty happy. I was looking very fashionable and stylish and my confidence was way over the top. You know those kind of days when you think you are superwoman. Well now, this didn't last for long. I don't own a car so I'm using public transportation. While going to the place were the photos were supposed to be taken my skirt literally cracked along the splitting from the back. I was pretty much shocked. I wasn't sure how big the crack was and if it showed, so you can imagine that the superwoman in me died that moment. Well now, fortunately the crack was not that big and it didn't show but my mood was pretty much down. Now when I think about it was pretty funny. I've taken the photos and continued my day. But the day wasn't over yet. In the evening, while coming back from university, I've stopped to make some groceries shopping and to get my pants from the tailor (I've had them shortened) and went back to the train station again. But the train was not showing up! I've waited about 30 minutes with all the things I bought in my hands. And they were heavy! But eventually it came and guess what it was full, no place for me to sit down. I was so disappointed, I was wearing killer heels and caring about 5kilos of groceries. But a young guy offered me his place to sit down. I was awed that moment, usually people look at you and don't care to help, especially when they see that you're in your twenties. Don't know about your countries but in mine this is a rarity. So my day started well, went worse and ended lets say pretty good :D
About my outfit, well now, the famous tartan which I adore, pared up with a sweater, because I didn't want to take my jacket with me that day, and heavily accessorized with my beautiful statement necklace from Persunmall and gold bracelets and rings :D
Cum v-a mers saptamana asta? A mea a fost destul de aglomerata si insotita de multe lucruri ciudate si amuzante. Spre exemplu in ziua in care am facut aceste poze am fost destul de fericita. Aratam extrem de stylish, iar increderea mea era la potential maxim. Stiti voi zilele alea in care va credeti superwoman. Insa, sa nu credeti ca a si durat asta. Dupa cum bine stiti, sau nu, nu detin masina personala, ce-i drept nici carnet n-am, asa ca ma multumesc cu mijloacele de transport in comun. Si spre deosebire de alte persoane, nu ma deranjeaza sa merg cu autobuzul, tramvaiul sau metroul. Si cum ma duceam eu catre locul in care trebuia sa fac pozele fusta mea s-a rupt la propriu. A plesnit de-a lungul crapaturii in timp ce ma urcam in tramvai. Evident ca am crezut ca imi cade cerul in cap si ca nu mi s-a intamplat asta tocmai mie. Nu eram foarte sigura cat de mult s-a dus in sus crapatura si daca era evident ca mi s-a rupt fusta :)) M-a linistit insa prietena mea, in momentul in care ne-am intalinit, spunandu-mi ca nu se vede si ca nu este atat de mare crapatura. Cam vreo 7 centimetri se rupsese! Ce-i drept, acum cand ma gandesc, a fost destul de amuzant. Asa ca mi-am facut pozele, a se observa "fericirea" de pe fata mea din acele momente, iar apoi mi-am continuat ziua. Dar sa nu ne oprim aici. Dupa ce am iesit de la cursuri, m-am dus sa imi iau pantalonii de la scurtat si sa cumpar cate ceva de mancare din supermarket. Zis si facut. Incarcata cu plase m-am dus in statia de tramvai, acelasi tramvai ghinionist de mai devreme :)) Dar tramvaiul nu aparea, si am stat si am asteptat, si nu venea nimic. Dupa vreo 30 de minute isi face aparitia, plin ochi. Imaginati-va ce dezamagire a fost pe capul meu in acel moment. Aveam plase in brate, care cantareau vreo 5 kilograme, geanta pe umar cu aparatul foto si alte chestii, mai cantarea si ea vreo 3-4 kilograme, si tocurile criminale pe care le aveam in picioare. Si aveam de mers ceva, mai exact pana la capat. Cu resemnare m-am dus sa ma tin de o bara. Dar ce credeti, un tip pe la vreo 20 si ceva de ani s-a ridicat si mi-a oferit locul. M-am uitat ca traznita la el, nu-mi venea sa cred ca se intampla asa ceva la noi in tara. Probabil stiti ca, de regula, poti sa si mori si nu se ridica nimeni de pe scaun, iar daca te mai vad si tanar sunt ceva de genul "lasa domne ca rezista, nu moare, doar e tanar/a". Asadar, mai exista si gentlemeni la noi sau oameni manierati, spuneti-i cum vreti. Asa ca ziua mea a inceput bine, apoi a luat-o in jos spre rau, si s-a sfarsit binisor as spune eu!
Legat de tinuta, port imprimeul meu favorit, tartanul, caruia i-am asociat un pullover alb simplu, pentru ca nu am vrut sa imi iau si jacheta dupa mine in acea zi, toate puternic accesorizate cu bratari, inele si frumosul colier statement de la Persunmall.
H&M - Sweater
Zara - Skirt
Mineli Boutique - Boots
Persunmall - Necklace (find it HERE)
Persunmall - Bracelet (find it HERE)
Sammydress - Bow Bracelet
H&M - Rings
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Love your skirt :) http://outsidefashioncatwalk.blogspot.com.es
ReplyDeleteda, avem toti astfel de momente, nu e nimic, e bine cand se termina cu bine. tinuta e frumoasa, love your accessories! pupp
ReplyDeleteCute skirt and great look!
Oh , I guess it was just not your day.. You know in india we have this unofficial rule , boys always offer seats if girls are standing.. I mean there are definatly few bad people .. And also one side of bus and one coach of metro is reserved for women. :)
ReplyDeleteI can imagine how bad carrie ing grosries would be , I carried mine for 10 minutes, just from market to where my car was and u hands were in pain.
But on the flip side, it was the best day for you as far as outfit is concerned.. U look chic.. Super stylish, a pro model
Keep in touch
My dear Adina, I always admire when I see you wearing killer heels and you do wear them most of the time :) I just cannot imagine nyself like that even though, almost every outfit looks better with heels! I really love this one. The skirt is amazing and I sure hope that you managed to fix it :) It was so nice of that guy to offer you a place to sit...you don' t see that much here in Croatia also. Even when I was pregnant, not many people offered me a seat. When they did, most of the time, they were men. :)
ReplyDeleteAnyway, you look stunning doll ;)
I love that skirt!! looks great on you xx
Saraca de tine! Am patit si eu ceva asemanator, doar ca mie mi s-a rupt tocul la pantofi si se uita lumea ciudat la mine ca nu puteam sa merg normal:)) Te pup cu drag!
ReplyDeleteHaha :)) Cunosc zilele acelea in care ai impresia ca tot unviversul comploteaza importriva ta si nu iti vine ca crezi ca ti se intampla asa ceva :D E bine totusi ca ai putut sa duci sedinta foto la bun sfarsit si ca ai ajuns acasa cu bine :) Bijuteriile tale din acesta postare m-au innebunit <3 Fusta e atre misto cat despre printr-ul acesta tartanul imi place sa-l vad la altii, dar nu stiu daca mi-ar placea sa-l port eu, trebuie sa incerc totusi ca sa ma decid odata :))
ReplyDeleteOh honey you look so chic, I love all the photos! xoxo
Imi place mult tinuta, fusta mai ales. Nu tin minte sa mi se fi rupt, insa m-am simtit penibil cand am fost stropita din cap pana in picioare cu apa de ploaie de catre o masina.
My day has been good so far! I met some bloggers this morning wheee new friends =) I love the skirt.
ReplyDeleteCorinne x
O tinuta foarte frumoasa,iti sta foarte bine!Imi place mult colierul!