Something Simple

Probably you've gotten used to me and my style. You know that my outfits aren't very simple and casual, that's not me at all. So don't expect that today's outfit to be simple either. This is pretty much simple for me. An elegant blouse, which you can find at Persunmall (I'll put the link for it at the end of the post), a pair of jeans, some really cute shoes, a necklace and a bag. It's not too much, it's not very simple either, it's my kind of simple.
I took these pictures almost an hour and a half after my visit at the dentist. So, if you're wondering why my face looks a bit weird and stiff, well it's because half of it was paralyzed because of the anesthetic :D And the second reason for my not so beautiful look it's called fatigue. I've had a crazy week, I was in and out of town with business, went twice to the dentist, went to university too and had some other things to take care of. But everything ended well and from now on I have more time to relax! How was your week, busy or free?

Probabil ca v-ati obisnuit deja cu mine si stilul meu. Stiti ca tinutele mele nu sunt tocmai simple si casual, pentru ca nu ma caracterizeaza. Asa ca nu va asteptati ca tinuta de azi sa fie simpla, contrar titlului. Este vorba de ce inteleg eu prin simplu :D Mai exact, o bluza eleganta, pe care o puteti gasi pe Persunmall (aveti link la finalul postului), o pereche de blugi, niste pantofi draguti, un colier si o geanta. Nu este nici prea mult, nici prea putin, e genul meu de simplu.
Daca va intrebati de ce arat atat de crispata in poze, ei bine este din cauza ca fata mea era pe jumatate paralizata. Si asta pentru ca pozele au fost facute cam la o ora si jumatate dupa vizita mea la medicul stomatolog, unde am avut de scos cativa nervi si implicit a fost necesara o anestezie inaintea acestui procedeu (nu lasati pe nimeni sa va scoata nervi fara anestezie ever, ca mai sunt nebuni din astia :))). Pe de alta parte eram si destul de obosita in ziua respectiva din cauza unei saptamani super aglomerate, am facut ture prin afara Bucurestiului cu treaba, am fost de doua ori la dentist, plus facultate seara si alte treburi de rezolvat pe langa. Dar totul s-a terminat cu bine si de acum inainte am ceva mai mult timp sa ma relaxez! Saptamana voastra cum a fost, aglomerata sau libera?

Persunmall - Blouse (find it HERE)
Mango - Jeans
New Look - Shoes - Bag
Sammydress - Necklace (find it HERE)
H&M - Rings

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  1. lovely elegant blouse :) and shoes to go with it!

  2. Hi Adina! Seems you had a pretty busy week! Hope went fine to the dentist, actually I have a huge fear of him!:P Btw, you look very lovely, I like the blouse and the shoes are to die for!:) Kisses and happy weekend! xo

  3. Dear Adina, you look beautiful and I really cannot see that there is anything wrong :) I love this look so much! The blouse looks amazing on you and I love it with this floral necklace. The jeans fit you perfectly and the heels are supercute. I always admire how you can walk in those killer heels :) Perfect, perfect look :)

  4. vaaai :X bluzita ta e superba si sa stii ca pozele sunt chiar foarte reusite :D <3
    gata cu aglomeratia, so it`s time to see you again <3
    pup :*

  5. Fantastic:)) x

  6. E foarte frumoasa bluza, cat si intreaga tinuta!
    Nu arati deloc crispata, ci chiar foarte bine!

  7. superbi pantofii <3

  8. Very nice and great top.

  9. Foarte frumoasa tinuta! Imi place foarte mult bluza, ti se potriveste perfect! Iar pantofii sunt asa de draguti <3

  10. Bluza e absolut minunata! Si acel Peter Pan collar se potriveste atat de bine cu tunsoarea ta! Superba tinuta!

    Te pup,


  11. Very chic look! I'm obsessed with your heels. You look fab!

  12. Ești foarte șic, Adina! Îmi place mult bluza!

  13. Anonymous3/26/2014

    You look fab!

  14. Sunt superbi pantofii,imi plac mult intreaga tinuta e frumoasa si-ti sta bine!


Thank you for your wonderful words!

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