Baroque Print and Studded Leather

Finally a post about my personal style!!! I've been so lazy lately, after finishing with exams and all, I've isolated myself in my home and I've been hibernating like a bear sleeping alot, drinking teas (my new obsession, I have tones in my house and still buying them, yeah a bit crazy I know), watching all kinds of tv shows and movies and mostly doing nothing all day long, not even writing a tiny little thing on my blog. I feel so guilty all of a sudden! By the way, I found a new tv show (yes in my laziness, I'm surfing the Internet at least, and that because I get bored), called "Smash", which is awesome! I hate musicals (and I'm not a big fan of "Glee") and this show is about the making of a musical about Marilyn Monroe (you see what I mean, but....)! I was sceptical about it, but I gave it a chance, and that was the best thing I could do! The show is great, not at all the typical musical, you have some great songs here and there sung by people who have amazing voices, but about the work that goes behind making a musical, the behind the scenes and all! You should try it, I promise that you won't regret it!

Now about my outfit. 
As you all know from my previous post, I love baroque :D and when I saw this trousers at Zara, well, I had to have them! Also I was searching for a leather jacket for about two years now, wasn't able to find something on my taste or something to fit me, and also in a normal price range, cuz lately the prices, on almost every store, for leather jackets are over the top, but this one fits all the criteria.

In sfarsit un post despre stilul meu personal!!! Am cazut intr'o stare de leneveala dupa ce am terminat cu examenele, m'am baricadat in casa la propriu si am hibernat ca un urs dormit foarte mult, baut ceaiuri (am facut o adevarata obsesie pentru ele, am o groaza acum si tot cumpar, o doza mica de nebunie nu? :))), urmarit tot felul de seriale si filme, in mare n'am facut si nu fac inca nimic toata ziua, nici macar nu scriu un rand mic la blog. Dintr'o data m'au cuprins remuscarile! Apropo, am descoperit un serial nou (da cu toata lenea in care m'am cufundat mai reusesc sa navighez pe internet, din plictiseala nu de alta), ma rog are un an deja, dar surprinzator l'am ratat, nu stiu cum. Se numeste "Smash" si e absolut genial!!! De fel urasc musicalurile, nu le suport (pana si "Glee" ma calca pe nervi) si show'ul asta, culmea, este despre un musical inspirat din viata lui Marilyn Monroe (cred ca asta m'a atras la el). Am fost sceptica (vedeti cat de mult imi displac...dar...), dar i'am dat o sansa, si tare bine am facut! Serialul e grozav, nu este deloc musicalul tipic, clasic ca sa spun asa, ai cantece foarte bune pe ici pe colo, cantate de oameni cu voci superbe, ci este despre munca depusa pentru producerea unui musical, ce se intampla in spatele scenelor si chestii de genul (deci nu o sa'i vedeti pe actori cantand si topaind tot serialul, slava domnului :D)!! Ar trebui sa'l incercati, promit ca nu o sa regretati (sau daca da, nu ma injurati va rog :P)!

Si acum despre tinuta mea.
Dupa cum ati vazut in postul trecut, iubesc barocul :D si cand am vazut pantalonii astia la Zara, si dupa ce i'am probat si mi'au venit, am crezu ca mi'a pus Dumnezeu mana in cap :)) Evident ca a trebuit sa'i cumpar! Apoi de vreo doi ani tot imi caut o jacketa de piele si nu gasesc, sunt ori prea mari, ori manecile prea lungi (am mainile tare scurte, serios), fie sunt ingrozitor de urate sau exorbitant de scumpe, in ultima vreme au niste preturi de te uiti crucis! Dar asta a fost si rezonabila ca pret, mi'a venit si bine, are si tinte, e si stylish ce pot sa cer mai mult (tot de la Zara)!!! 


Wearing: Leather Jacket, Printed Trousers and Shoes - all from Zara, Sweater, Earings and Ring - all from H&M, Vintage Necklace with a Cameo Brooch attached, Bag - Parfois

Until my next post!



  1. I love your pants & the studded details on your jacket! :)

    xx PH

  2. I love those pants and that jacket. Great pairing. I just found your blog on IFB and I like your blog. Check mine out too!.


  3. Love your jacket and shoes!!

    xoxo, Diana
    The Neon Factor ☠

  4. Anonymous2/06/2013

    imi plac pantalonii, mai ales ca ador stilul baroc :)

  5. super tinuta!

  6. I like how you combined these pants with leather! Love it Adina!!

  7. Love your shoes!!

    Lady Fashionista Blog
    Have a fashionable day! <3
    IT *

  8. Iti admir curajul de a fi model la propriul blog,sunt mare iubitoare de shopping si fashion insa ma pricep doar sa fiu fotograf :))) am sa-ti urmaresc blogul pentru inspiratie :P,spor la postari

    1. Multumesc frumos, a durat ceva si pentru mine pana m'am obisnuit sa stau in fata camerei si nu in spatele ei, inca nu sunt comfortabila in postura de model, dar fac un sacrificiu pentru blog :D

  9. Love your big chunky shoes! check out my blog maybe we can follow each other? xoxo

    1. I've searched alot for a pair like that and I bought them on the spot when I found them at Zara :D

  10. Love that baroque pants a lot :)
    The jacket is great too !


    Coline !

  11. Beautiful Pics! You've got a great Blog.

    Would you like to follow each other? Just let me know ;)

    Kisses from UK :*

  12. Just like what you wrote on last post, baroque is unique indeed and that printed trousers indeed is pretty ^^

    Feel free to drop by and say hi ^^

    1. I think they are my favourite pair of pants right now :)


Thank you for your wonderful words!

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