Hello there!
My last 2 weeks were full of exams and tones of studying, so I didn't had time for anything else, not even leaving the house :| And i had some photos to post, but well, when to write the post when I was counting every free second that I had. It was awfull, but now it passed and I fell extremely liberated.
So when I took these pictures it was before the Easter (yeah, I know a long time ago, and I'm talking about the ortodox Easter) and it was one of those sunny days and finally got the chance to wear that burgundy red skirt and lace jacket. Yup, I bought them in october I think and never got the chance to wear them. I wanted something in burgundy red for a long time, found a blazer once at zara beutifull, but the shoulder pads where so big it look so weird (I hate everything that makes your shoulders look big) and was a bit irritated cuz of that. But then found this skirt and of course I bought it, and the lace jacket, oh well it's lace so I generally buy everything made out of lace :D
Ultimele mele 2 saptamani au fost efectiv pline, nu de lucruri bune :D, ci de examene si o groaza de invatat, asa k n'am avut timp de nimic, n'am iesit nici macar din casa :| Aveam si niste poze de postat, dar cand sa scriu postul cand eu numaram secundele libere pe care le aveam pe degete :)) A fost groaznic, dar acum a trecut si ma simt asa de libera si relaxata. Cand am facut pozele astea era o zi frumoasa si cu soare inainte de Paste si am profitat de ea pt. a purta in sfarsit fusta in rosu burgund si jacketa de dantela. Da, le'am cumparat prin octombrie si n'am apucat pana in ziua respectiva sa le port. De multa vreme cautam ceva in culoare rosu burgund, am si gasit un sacou la zara arata genial, mai putin umerii care erau supradimensionati si aratau tare ciudat (urasc sacourile cu umerasi supradimensionti si pe care nu poti sa ii scoti pt. ca exista marea posibilitate sa strici forma sacoului), chestia asta m'a iritat putin. Dar am gasit fusta asta si evident ca am cumparat'o, apoi jacketa din dantela, si logic ca at. cand e vorba de dantela sunt in stare sa imi dau si ultimii bani din portofel :))
This is how a busy person looks, only jocking!
Cam asa arata o persoana ocupata, glumesc evident!
Wearing: H&M jacket, Stradivarius skirt, no name blouse and tights, Mineli Boutique boots, Mango bag anf Accessorize earings.
Until my next post!
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