So I've decided to make a little review on Chanel's Ready-to-Wear F/W 2011/2012 in this post, cuz the fall is here, soon the winter will be too so i wanted to show you the visions that some designers had for this season.
I'm gonna start with Chanel, cuz i love the creations of Karl Lagerfeld, and later on I'll post the work of some other designers as well.
Karl Lagerfeld decided to go on a chic masculine style dominated by black and grey (2 of my fav colours), there's also a bit of red and white. We have some classic Chanel silhouettes and a lot of knitwear (I must say that I'm not a big fan of knitwear).
From what you'll see in the photos the main trends that Karl Lagerfeld proposed are: for colours, mostly black and grey, and as for clothes, voluminous jackets, blazers (the jackets are worn over the blazers), skinny jeans, leggings, skirts over velvet leggings, masculine pants and suits, luxurious jumpsuits, some capes (they make me think of knights) and as for the fabrics knitwear is almost everywhere, tweed, velvet, some silk and lace. So a very boyish collection with a powerfull rock vibe.
Don't know why but this collection reminds me of the Japanese street fashion, visual key and the creations of Japanese designers. Is one of my fav collections from Chanel so far, totally my style, dark colours, many layers, oversised jackets, blazers, skinny jeans.
I just luv it. Hope u'll like it2.
Am decis sa fac un mic review asupra colectiei pret-a-porter (sau "gata de purtat" cum ar veni la noi) pt toamna-iarna 2011/2012 a casei Chanel, pt k a venit toamna, in curand va veni si iarna asa ca am vrut sa va arat ce propun unii designeri pt acest sezon.
O sa incep cu Chanel, pt ca iubesc creatiile lui Karl Lagerfeld, si mai incolo o sa postez si creatiile altor designeri.
Karl Lagerfeld s'a centrat pe un stil chic masculin dominat de negru si gri (2 dintre culorile mele preferate), regasindu'se si un strop de rosu si alb. De asemenea cateva siluete clasice ale casei Chanel si foarte multe tricotaje (desi tb sa spun ca nu sunt un mare fan al tricotajelor).
Din ceea ce o sa vedeti in poze principalele trenduri pe care Karl Lagerfeld le propune sunt: pt culori, in mare negru si gri, iar pt haine, jachete voluminoase, sacouri (jachetele fiind purtate peste sacouri), skinny jeans, colanti, fuste purtate peste colanti din catifea, pantaloni cu croiala masculina si costume, jumpsuituri somptuoase, cateva pelerine (care ma fac sa ma gandesc la cavalerii din Evul Mediu), iar pt materiale domina tricotajul, tweedul, catifeaua si ceva matase si dantela. Asadar o colectie foarte baietoasa cu o puternica tenta rock.
Nu stiu de ce dar aceasta colectie imi aminteste de street fashion'ul nipon, de visual key si de creatiile designerilor din Japonia. Este una dintre colectiile mele preferate de la Chanel, fiind total pe stilul meu, culori inchise, multe layere, jachete supradimensionate, sacouri, skinny jeans.
Pur si simplu o iubesc. Sper sa va placa si voua.
And now some photos (taken from
Si acum niste poze.

And at the end a picture with Karl Lagerfeld!
Si la sfarsit o poza cu Karl Lagerfeld.
So that's it for today, until my next post!
Atat pt azi, pana la postul urmator!
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