[EN]: This year I have decided to visit some of the most important landmarks from my country, Romania. The first stop was Sighişoara Citadel, one of the oldest medieval towns from Romania and Europe. This is probably by far one of the most visited places by foreigners when they come to my country. So, if you like to have the medieval experience then this city it's a must!
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Sighişoara Citadel
Monday, 5 September 2016
First Snow
Monday, 10 December 2012
Winter is here! I can't say I'm happy with the cold weather, sure the snow on trees looks awesome in pictures but it doesn't really feel that great. As you can see I'm not a big fan of winter and cold days.
Last week I had to go to Brasov (a really nice town here in Romania) with some business. So thursday morning after sleeping like 3 hours or so (I watched a movie and lost track of time and went to sleep at 2:30am and woke up around 5:30am) and running like crazy through the house doing my luggage, straightening my hair, doing my make up, shower and all the other stuff we girls have to do (and after I changed my bag with another one cuz the first wasn't big enough for all the crazy stuff I was bringing with me) I went out the door with like 50minutes before the train was leaving. And imagine me with my laptop bag on one shoulder and a small bag over it and the big bag with all my stuff going like crazy after busses and the subway and finally getting to the train station at 8:17am :D I was happy, I could buy my ticket and catch the train! Well, I forgot to mention that I haven't traveled by train in like forever :D And as I was asking for my train ticket, the lady from the ticket center or how you call it said to me that the train is beeing late. I was thinking like 15-20minutes or so, oh how I was mistaken, it was like one hour. I was a bit in awe, but thought to myself well one hour is not that much so I went to McDonalds and grabbed a milkshake and something to eat. I stayed in there for a while and eventually went to see how long till the train arrive. The time went from one hour to 85minutes, I thought I was going to be sick (to wait in cold weather it's not that great, forgot to tell you that in Bucharest that morning were like 2degrees). So I waited but the time frame was getting bigger, it went up to 105minutes and then to 115minutes and eventually the train arrived. I got to Brasov, where it snowed already and the mountains and everything was white (I have pictures), solved my stuff and then hanged out with my cousin till late. I went back to Bucharest the next evening with a train that arrived and left in time (thank god).
So not a post about me and fashion (well mostly about me, not about fashion), but with really nice pictures. Enjoy!
A venit iarna! Nu suport vremea rece de fel, sigur zapada pe copaci arata genial in poze, dar frigul nu se simte la fel de bine pe piele. Dupa cum vedeti nu sunt mare fan al iernii si vremii reci.
Si acum legat de prima zapada si contactul meu cu ea pe anul asta. Saptamana trecuta a trebuit sa dau o fuga pana in Brasov cu ceva treaba. Asa ca joi de dimineata, dupa ce dormisem doar 3 ore (m'am apucat sa ma uit la un film si am lungit'o aiurea, m'am bagat in pat pe la 2:30 si m'am trezit in jur de 5:30 ca sa prind trenul) si dupa ce m'am invartit aiurea prin casa facand bagajul, indreptandu'mi parul, machiajul, dus si restul de chestii pe care le facem noi fetele si care ne iau o groaza de vreme (ah, si dupa ce am schimbat geanta cu alta, pentru ca in prima nu incapeau toate prostiile pe care le'am carat cu mine pentru 2 zile :D) am reusit sa ies pe usa, intr'un final, cu vreo 50 de minute inainte sa plece trenul :)) Si imaginati'va, eu cu o geanta de laptop atarnand pe o parte si cu alta geanta mica peste ea, si cu bagajul in cealalta mana, alergand dupa autobuz (plin pana la refuz) si metrou si ajungand in gara la 8:17, record jur. Eram tare fericita de realizare, si asa fericita cum eram eu m'am dus sa cumpar biletul, logic, si tanti de la bilete mi'a spus ca intarzie trenul. Bun, ma gandeam ca undeva la 15-20minute sau ceva de genul, dar nu, intarzia o ora. Eram un pic socata, dar na e Romania, e ceva normal :)), asa ca m'am dus pana la Mec sa imi iau un shake si ceva sa mananc. Am stat acolo cat am stat, m'am plictisit pana la urma si am zis sa ma duc sa vad cat mai e pana vine trenul. Si ce sa vezi, de la 60minute, a ajuns la 85, mi'a picat fata efectiv (adica era frig afara si in gara nu e cald ca e in aer liber, dupa cum stiti, si in dimineata aia erau vreo 2 grade in Bucuresti, groaznic). Am asteptat, dar asteptarea mea s'a intins la 105minute, apoi la 115 si intr'un final a aparut si trenul. Am reusit sa ajung si in Brasov pe la un 1 si un pic, unde ninsese deja si muntii, copacii si totul erau inveliti in alb (tare pitoresc, am poze!!!), mi'am rezolvat treburile si apoi am pierdut vremea prin oras cu varul meu pana tarziu. M'am intors seara urmatoare in Bucuresti cu un tren care a ajuns in gara si a plecat la timp (slava domnului)!
Asa ca de data asta nu este un post despre mine si moda (bine este despre mine, dar nu despre moda), dar un post cu imagini frumoase!
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